Page:Young Biechan, and Susie Pye.pdf/7

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Out then bespoke the forenoon bride,
my lord your love it changes soon,
This morning I was made your bride,
and another chose ere it be noon,
Hold thy tongues thou forenoon bride,
you're ne'er a whit the worse of me,
And for every penny I got with thee,
O here I give to the back three.
He took her by the milk white hand,
says the half of my lands I'll give to thee
If then wilt marry brother Will,
who's a sprightly youth in a lady's eye,
I will not marry thy brother Will,
for all the land that I do see;
Give me my faith and truth Biechan,
and I wish I were in my own country.
I have the bride's shoes on my feet
likewise the bride's gloves on my hands,
For I will neither eat nor drink.
till I come unto my father's lands.
He's ta'en Susie Pye by the milk white hand
and gently led her up and down.
And ay he kiss'd her red rosy lips,
your welcome jewel to your own.
He's ta'en her by the milk white hand,
and he has led her to yonder green,
He's chang'd her name from Susie Pye,
and he's called her lovely Jean.