THE little Verſes now before the Reader were written at the deſire of my most worthy and honoured friend. the Rev. Mr. Clark, of St. Albans; and are publiſhed at his requeſt as what he hopes may, by the divine bleſſing, do ſome good in the riſing generation. I was the more willing to undertake the task, because I had often obſerved with how much eaſe and pleaſure children learn verſes by heart how fond they are of repeating them, and by conſequence bow much longer they retain them, than they do what they learn in proſe.
In this view Dr Watts' Songs for Children have been a ſingular bleſſing to our land; and it is but juſtice to that great yet condeſcending writer to own that if this little essay be of any ſervice in it a great part of the thanks will be due to him who had digeſted the Chief Heads of Chriſtianity: And if I had not the patronage of ſuch illusſtrious names as have gone before me in ſuch humble labours. I ſhould think myſelf unworthy the honour of calling Jesus my Maſter if I thought it beneath me to be deſirous of doing good to the leasſt child of the pooreſt of the people.