Page:Young Gregor's ghost (NLS104184752).pdf/3

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You know that with courters I'm plagu'd to the heart,
But you are the object that makes me to smart,
If you can but love me, dear cousin, said she,
I'ın happy for ever, and therefore be free.

Then said he, dear Katy, I'm all in a stun,
I suppose your intentions are nothing but fun,
For had I a subjeet to balanee with you,
I'd count myself happy, your suit I might rue.

O! said she, dear Gregor, I'm no way in jest,
And if you deny me then death's my request;
You know the substance and wealth that I have,
'Tis enough to uphold us all gallant and brave.

I know that my parents for more riches are bent,
But a few years by nature will make thern extinet;
To you my dear Gregor, I do make this vow,
That I never will marry another but you.

O then he consented and flew to her arms,
And said, dear Katy, I'm kill'd with your charms,
But if your parents this fond love should know,
They will soon earve out my overthrow...

Of that, my dear Gregor, be silent I pray,
This night we will part, and we'll meet the next day
Under the broad oak, by the cave in the glen,
Where more of my mind unto you I'll explain.


Her another next morning, by the blink of her ee,
Pereeived great love 'tween her and Gregor to be,
And she to her husband the same has reveal'd
Giving orders to wateh them as they're in the field.

All day then her father went walking about,
And after her still he did keep a look out,
Till hard in the evening, she went off to the glen
Where Gregor was waiting to hear her explain