Page:Younger brother, or, The sufferings of Saint Andre.pdf/19

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of my esteem and love This is my eternal and irrevocable resolution. Neither violence nor tortures nor the dreadful apparatus of death; nothing in the universe shall ever compel me to change it." The steward would have replied; but St Andre refused to hear another word, he retired with the shame and regret of having in vain endeavored to seduce an incorruptible man. Blanche in her prison experiences a persecution still more odious and unjust. They importune her to renounce her rights, and her title of wife to St Andre They propose on these terms an advantageous settlement for herself and child. Entreaties and menaces are employed by turns. Her invariable answer was that she expected from her husband the example she ought to imitate She hoped for an example that would evince his courage and fidelity; and she added that in every thing, she was determined her conduct should be conformable to his. M. de Vilmore despairing to vanquish such inflexible resistance abandoned himself to all the outrages which pride an resentment could excite in the most cruel and obdurate mind. From the weeping mo-