Page:Zangwill-King of schnorrers.djvu/25

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to turn it myself. Did I not let Providence select who should have the silver and who the gold, who the copper and who the emptiness? Besides, God alone knows who really needs my assistance — I have made Him my almoner ; I have cast my burden on the Lord."

" Epicurean ! " shrieked the Schnorrer. " Blasphemer ! Is it thus you would palter with the sacred texts? Do you forget what the next verse says : ' Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days ' ? Shame on you — you a Gabbai (treasurer) of the Great Synagogue. You see I know you, Joseph Grobstock. Has not the beadle of your Synagogue boasted to me that you have given him a guinea for brushing your spatterdashes? Would you think of offering him a packet? Nay, it is the poor that are trodden on — they whose merits are in excess of those of beadles. But the Lord will find others to take up his loans — for he who hath pity on the poor lendeth to the Lord. You are no true son of Israel."

The Sc/uwrre?'^ tirade was long enough to allow Grob- stock to recover his dignity and his breath.

" If you really knew me, you would know that the Lord is considerably in my debt," he rejoined quietly. "When next you would discuss me, speak with the Psalms-men, not the beadle. Never have I neglected the needy. Even now, though you have been insolent and uncharitable, I am ready to befriend you if you are in want."

" If I am in want ! " repeated the Schnorrer scornfully. " Is there anything I do not want? "

"You are married?"

" You correct me — wife and children are the only things I do ;/<?/lack."

" No pauper does," quoth Grobstock, with a twinkle of restored humour.