Page:Zangwill-King of schnorrers.djvu/55

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sonality. The proverb " Like master like man " did not occur to Grobstock at this juncture.

"I only meant you to carry it to a coach," he murmured.

" He said it was not worth while — the distance was so short."

u Ah! Did you see his house?" enquired Grobstock curiously.

" Yes ; a very fine house in Aldgate, with a handsome portico and two stone lions."

Grobstock strove hard not to look surprised.

" I handed the box to the footman."

Grobstock strove harder.

Wilkinson ended with a weak smile : " Would you believe, sir, I thought at first he brought home your fish ! He dresses so peculiarly. He must be an original."

"Yes, yes; an eccentric like Baron D'Aguilar, whom he visits," said Grobstock eagerly. He wondered, indeed, whether he was not speaking the truth. Could he have been the victim of a practical joke, a prank? Did not a natural aristocracy ooze from every pore of his mysterious visitor? Was not every tone, every gesture, that of a man born to rule? "You must remember, too," he added, "that he is a Spaniard."

" Ah, I see," said Wilkinson in profound accents.

" I daresay he dresses like everybody else, though, when he dines or sups out," Grobstock added lightly. " I only brought him in by accident. But go to your mistress ! She wants you."

" Yes, sir. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you he hopes you will save him a slice of his salmon."

" Go to your mistress ! "

" You did not tell me a Spanish nobleman was coming to us on Friday," said his spouse later in the evening.