Page:Zangwill-King of schnorrers.djvu/71

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Yanked hung back, bewildered.

"Through this door," said Manasseh encouragingly. "Come — you shall lead the way."

"But dey vill not admit me ! "

"Will not admit you ! When I give you a seat in my box! Are you mad? Now you shall just go in without me — I insist upon it. I will show you Manasseh Bueno Barzillai Azevedo da Costa is a man whose word is the Law of Moses ; true as the Talmud. Walk straight through the portico, and, if the attendant endeavours to stop you, simply tell him Mr. da Costa has given you a seat in his box."

Not daring to exhibit scepticism — nay, almost confident in the powers of his extraordinary protector, Yankele put his foot on the threshold of the lobby.

"But you be coming, too?" he said, turning back.

"Oh, yes, I don't intend to miss the performance. Have no fear."

Yankele" walked boldly ahead, and brushed by the door- keeper of the little theatre without appearing conscious of him ; indeed, the official was almost impressed into letting the Schnorrer pass unquestioned as one who had gone out between the acts. But the visitor was too dingy for any- thing but the stage-door — he had the air of those non- descript beings who hang mysteriously about the hinder recesses of playhouses. Recovering himself just in time, the functionary (a meek little Cockney) hailed the intruder with a backward-drawing " Hi ! "

" Vat you vant? " said Yankele, turning his head.

"Vhere's your ticket?"

" Don't vant no ticket."

"Don't you? I does," rejoined the little man, who was a humorist.

" Mr. da Costa has given me a seat in his box."