Page:Zangwill-King of schnorrers.djvu/84

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philanthropists to keep you. It destroys their satisfaction. A Schnorrer cannot be too careful. And once you begin to work, where are you to draw the line ? "

" But you be a marriage -broker yourself," said Yankele imprudently.

" That ! " thundered Manasseh angrily, " That is not work ! That is pleasure ! "

" Vy look ! Dere is Hennery Simons," cried Yankele, hoping to divert his attention. But he only made matters worse.

Henry Simons was a character variously known as the Tumbling Jew, Harry the Dancer, and the Juggling Jew. He was afterwards to become famous as the hero of a slander case which deluged England with pamphlets for and against, but for the present he had merely outraged the feelings of his fellow Schnorrers by budding out in a direc- tion so rare as to suggest preliminary baptism. He stood now playing antic and sleight-of-hand tricks — surrounded by a crowd — a curious figure crowned by a velvet skull-cap from which wisps of hair protruded, with a scarlet handker- chief thrust through his girdle. His face was an olive oval, bordered by ragged tufts of beard and stamped with melan- choly.

"You see the results of working," cried Manasseh. "It brings 'temptation to work on Sabbath. That Epicurean there is profaning the Holy Day. Come away ! A Sclinor- rer is far more certain of The- World-To-Come. No, de- cidedly, I will not give my daughter to a worker, or to a Schnorrer who makes illegitimate profits."

" But I make de profits all de same," persisted Yankele

"You make them to-day — but to-morrow? There is no certainty about them. Work of whatever kind is by its very nature unreliable. At any moment trade may be slack.