Page:Zelda Kahan - The Life and Work of Friedrich Engels (1920).pdf/9

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Early Years 7
First Visit to Manchester 8
Meeting and Complete Agreement with Marx 9
The Condition of the Working Classes in England in 1844 10
Home Life and Early Communist Activities 14
The Communist Manifesto 16
Bourgeois and Proletarian Democracy 17
Constitutional Risings in Germany 21
Fighting Illusions of the Democratic Refugees 22
Back to Manchester 23
Engels' Devotion to Marx 15
Temporary Estrangement from Marx 28
An End to "Sweet Commerce" 29
In London Again 30
Anti-Dühring or The Scientific Basis of Socialism 31
After Split in First International and Death of Marx 34
"The Origin of the Family" 36
The Position of Women in Society 38
The State 41
The Nature of the Proletarian Transition State 44
Last Years 46
Failure of Second International 47
Engels—The Man 48