- peut être plus fin qu'un autre, mais on ne peut pas être plus fin que tous les autres.
Thereupon the prince turned to his friend Yen Pu I, and said, "That monkey flaunted its skill and its dexterity in my face. Therefore it has come to this pass. Beware! Do not flaunt your superiority in the faces of others."
Yen Pu I went home, and put himself under the tuition of Tung Wu,
- A professor of Tao.
with a view to get rid of such superiority. He put aside all that gave him pleasure and avoided gaining reputation. And in three years his praise was in everybody's mouth.
Tzŭ Chi of Nan-poh
- See ch. iv.
was sitting leaning on a table. He looked up to heaven and sighed, at which juncture Yen Ch'êng Tzŭ entered and said, "How, Sir, can such an important person as yourself be in body like dry wood, in mind like dead ashes?"
- Instead of exerting yourself for the benefit of mankind. The speaker, says one commentator, was "a disciple."
"I used to live in a cave on the hills," replied Tzŭ Chi. "At that time, T'ien Ho,
- The famous founder of the later House of Ch'i.
because he once saw me, was thrice congratulated