Huang-hua, The, 154
Huang-k'uang, The, 228
Huang Liao, 453
Huang Ti. See Yellow Emperor
Huang Tzŭ Kao Ngao, 236
Hui, Prince, 33, (of Wei) 338
Hui Tzŭ, 8, 66, 217, 218, 223, 318, 321, 341, 358, 361, 365, 450
Hunchbacks, 55, 65, 224, 232
Hun Tun, 98
I, Mt., 341
I Chieh, 335
I-êrh, The, 251
I Êrh Tzŭ, 87
I Liao, 247, 325, 342
I-lu, 228
I Yin, 309, 383
Immunity of Drunkards, 232
Inaction, 80, 97, 122, 131, 134, 136, 137, 158, 159, 160, 165, 222, 288, 308, 318
Infinite, One with the, 89
Infinitesimal, The, 204
Influences, The Six, 129, 174
Instincts, 107
Intelligence, 139
Internal, The, 49, 122, 156, 235, 299, 302, 310, 315
Intrinsicality, 102
Irrigation, 147
Jen, 251
Jen Ch'iu, 290
Jen Hsiang Shih, 337
Jen Kung Tzŭ, 354
Jih Chung Shih, 92
Joy and sorrow, 293
Kan, Blades from, 193
Kan-yü-ku, 228
Kao, 237
Kêng Sang Ch’u, 294
Kings, The Three, 186
Knotted Cords, 116
Knowledge, (Great) 13; (of the ancients) 21, 161, 304; (limit to) 302; (perfection of) 333; (a curse) 115, 118, 125, 129, 298; (from repose) 195; (shallowness of) 293; (personified) 276; (of the wherefore) 368
Kou Chien, 332
Ku, Shepherd, 103
K'u Huo, 442
Ku-tu, 384
Ku-chüeh, Mt., 276
Kuan Chung, 226, 236, 322, 399
Kuan Lung Fêng, 40, 112, 352
Kuan Yin, 230, 447
K'uang, 213
Kuang Ch'êng Tzŭ, 125
K'uang Tzŭ, 401
Kuei, 206
K'uei, The, 237
Kueis, The, 26
Kuei-ch'i, 332
Kuei Chi, 354
K'un, 327
K'un Hun, 316
K'un-lun Mountains, 139, 224, 289
Kung Ch'ui the artisan, 115, 242
Kung Poh, 382
K'ung-t'ung, 126
Kung Sun Lung, 214, 319, 453
Kung Tzŭ Mou, 215
Kung Yüeh Hsiu, 335
Kuo, men of, 253
Laggards, Whipping up the, 234
Language, The best, 293
Lao Lai Tzŭ, 356
Lao Lung Chi, 287
Lao Tzŭ (and No-toes), 61; 93, 123, 137, 142; (and Confucius) 144, 166; 168, 169, 182, 184, 266, 282; (and Kêng Sang Ch’u) 294; (and Nan Yung), 298; (and Poh Chü) 343; (and Yang Tzŭ Chü) 368; (death of) 36
Law, The, 133, 162; (men of), 318
Laws of Nature, 135
Lei T'ing, 237
Leopard, The, 228, 247
Leper, A, 62
Leviathan, The, 1, 3
Li, 237
Li to a mile, Three, 2