Page:Zinzendorff and Other Poems.pdf/139

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Where the "world-seeking Genoese"
    Doth find a peaceful rest;
But there where Winter's tempest gloom
    Hath never dar'd to roll,
Where Nature's flowers profusely bloom,
    Went down that flower of soul.

And far within her native west
    Where glorious foliage waves,
And where in recent verdure drest,
    Are seen her kindred graves,
The memory of her cradle-sleep,
    Her childhood's glowing charms,
Her ripen'd virtues, rich and deep,
    Affection's tear embalms.

Yet let not mourning Love despair,
    Within these smitten shades,
The cypress wreath hath blossoms fair
    Of hope that never fades;
'Twas her's to bless the haunts of pain,
    To love the good and wise,
And lightly chasten'd, rise to gain
    The bliss that never dies.