Page:Zinzendorff and Other Poems.pdf/207

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Yes.—All forsook the Master's side
    When foes and dangers clustered round,
And when in bitterness he cried,
    'Mid the dread garden's awful bound,
Yet knew they not how near him stood
    The host of Heaven, a guardian train,
Deploring man's ingratitude,
    And wondering at his Saviour's pain.

Oh! ye, whose hearts in secret bleed
    O'er transient Hope, like morning dew,
O'er friendship faithless in your need,
    Or love to all its vows untrue,
Who shrink from Persecution's rod
    Or slander's fang, or Treachery's tone,
Look meekly to the Son of God,
    And in his griefs forget your own.

Forsaken are ye?—so was he,—
    Reviled?—yet check the vengeful word,—
Rejected?—should the servant be
    Exalted o'er his suffering Lord?
Nor deem that Heaven's omniscient eye
    Is e'er regardless of your lot,—
Deluded man from God may fly,
    But when was man by God forgot?