Page:Zinzendorff and Other Poems.pdf/83

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I stood beside a lowly dome
Where peace and love abode,
And fragrant round that cottage home
The breath of Summer flow'd,
Fresh flowrets through the casement peer'd,
The sleeping dog no harshness fear'd
His master's feet beside,
While he, in true contentment blest,
With every anxious thought at rest,
The gathering twilight eyed.

She too, his friend from youth to age
The dearest and the best,
Gave to his ear that sacred page
On which their hope did rest,
The aiding glass was o'er her eye,
And from her cheek the roseate die
Of brighter years did part,
But her calm brow that beauty spake
Which Time more exquisite doth make,
The beauty of the heart.

Fast by her side, with blooming face
Her gentle daughter rose,
Nurtur'd in all the simple grace
Which pious care bestows;
Maiden! thou hear'st that word whose power
Can give thee for thy trial-hour
Strength when the heart doth bow,
Peace, tho' the stricken bosom bleeds,
Eternal life, when earth recedes,
Oh! catch its spirit now.