"Watchman, What of the Night?" "The Morning Cometh." —Isaiah xxi. 11.
To all regular subscribers, including those on the “poor list” unable to pay, and also to a large number whose subscription closed with December, 1886, we sent a paper bound edition of Millennial Dawn, Vol. I, as representing three numbers of the Tower, November and December, ‘86, and January, '87.
The wrapper of this was of specially heavy paper, but some of them sent without tying got the wrappers much torn, and not a few lost the address entirely and failed to reach the proper hands. All therefore who failed to get that number, and who were entitled to it, either as paying subscribers or as the "Lord’s poor," according to the terms at the head of this column, should write and let us know at once.
Because of the mutiliation of so many wrappers, it becomes proper for us to reprint here a supplement which was printed inside of the wrapper, as follows:—
To All Readers, Greeting: We wish you all a very happy New Year and pray that it may be to all of us a profitable one, very favorable to our further growth in grace and in knowledge, and in the love of God. And if the love of God thus united with and built upon the knowledge of his plan be shed abroad in our hearts, filling them, it will make us not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, nor unfruitful in its service, but, on the contrary, valiant supporters and expounders of it, willing and glad to support it in the face even of opposition and evil speaking on the part of those whom the God of this world hath blinded to the truth, by prejudices and misconceptions sacred with age and loved associations. And it is to render aid to you all in putting on the whole armor of God and to shed abroad in your hearts more fully the love, and thus provoke you to love and good service for the truth, that this special number is sent out thus. Let us explain: The book Millennial Dawn, Volume I. (cloth-bound, $1.00) which some of you have already had and read, seemed to be doing so much good that we earnestly desired to have you all possess a copy, but all were not able to purchase, and we had not the means to supply them gratis. So, to meet the many calls for a cheaper edition, which all could possess, and of which a large number could be used in loaning to friends and neighbors, we were led to issue the present edition as a special number of the Tower, on the terms mentioned on back of same. We issued the October number late in the month, and will, commencing with February, 1887, hereafter issue at the first instead of the 15th of each month. Thus the time between the October, 1886, and February, 1887, issues which this edition fills, will not be too long for a thorough study of the subjects treated, even for those who already have the clothbound edition; for it is the general testimony of those who have been most blessed by the book, that the second or third readings benefitted them most, and paid better than the first even.
We could not think of getting out this edition on poor, common paper and with poor workmanship, hence the saving is in the binding and the quality. The message it carries is clean and beautiful—"good news" indeed, and the Lord, we think, would be pleased to see the truth-bearers also clean and good.
The price of this number is 5Oc, but to our subscribers to whom it represents three numbers of the Tower, we make the extra charge only 25c. Those who do not wish to retain it on these terms may return it to us and reckon their term of subscription extended three months further, instead. Those who cannot pay the extra charge, and yet desire it and will read it, may keep it without pay—freely, if they will drop us a postal card stating these facts. Any subscriber to Zion's Watch Tower who may desire copies of this edition for loaning or giving may have them on the following special terms (free of postage in U. S. and Canada; 5c each extra for postage to Foreign Countries):
10 | Copies | $ | 3.00 | |
20 | " | 5.00 | ||
50 | " | 13.00 | ||
100 | " | 15.00 |
Anyone can have the present volume (VIII.) including this number at 75c.
With the hearty co-operation of you all we can have this edition in the hands of 50,000 readers before this time next year. Do you know of any better method of preaching the good news?
Yours in fellowship and service,
C. T. Russell.
It is thoroughly refreshing, in this age of skepticism and vaunted indifference to the truths of religion, to find a writer coming nobly forward to maintain the principle of a revealed religion. This the author has done with strength and good reasoning in his "Millennial Dawn." A concise idea of his position in regard to the Bible may be gleaned from the following extract: "When Columbus discovered the Orinoco river some one said he had found an island. He replied: 'No such river as that flows from an island. That mighty torrent must drain the waters of a continent.' So the depth, and power, and wisdom, and scope of the Bible's testimony convinces us that not men, but the Almighty God, is the author of its plans and revelations."—Evening Post, San Francisco, Cal.
Millennial Dawn is the title of a series of books issued by the Tower Publishing Company. The first volume of the series, now on our table, is entitled The Plan of the Ages. It is nothing less than an exposition of the purposes and method of the Supreme Being in the creation of mankind and in the economy of human and angelical affairs. It may
be described as a philosophy of history, but a philosophy so