Page:Zora Neale Hurston - Woofing.pdf/12

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Good Black

Well, turn it on and let de bad luck happen.

(As Lonnie plays thru a verse warming up, all the men get interested and start to hum. Cliffert shouts out)


Lawd, Lawd, what evil have I done)

(They sing John Henry. At the close, the woman who came to borrow snuff emerges from the house still talking back at the woman inside)


He ain't no trouble. I tole him, I says, "yo' must think youse de man dat made side meat taste lak ham. See yo' later.

(She exits hurriedly. The crap game goes on until a band is heard approaching)


Who dead?


Nobody. Don't you know de Imperial Elks is goin' to New York to de Elks Grand Lodge? Yeah, bo, and they's takin' they band. Dat's supposed to be de finest band in de United Statesd.

(The band approaches followed by a great crow. The crap game is instantly deserted and all follow theband)