Page talk:Shakespeare - First Folio Faithfully Reproduced, Methuen, 1910.djvu/27
Add topicA tempeſtuous noiſe of Thunder and Lightning beard I £nter a Ship-maſter, and a Boteſwaine.
Ote-ſwaine. Bates. Heere Maſter: What cheere? Maſt. Good: Speakc to th’Mariners! fall too’t, yarely, or we run our ſelues a ground, beSirre, beſtirre. Exit. Enter ^Mariners. Bites. Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts: we, yire: Take in the toppe-ſale: Tend to th’Maſters whiſtle: Blow till thou burſt thy winde, if roome enough.
Enter AJonſo, Sebaſtian, Antbonio, Ferdinando, Ganzalo, and others. Aim. Good Boteſwaine haue care: where’s the Ma3tr? Way the men. 'Betts. I pray now keepe below. I Aha. Where is the Maſter, Boſon?
Botcs.Do you not heare him? you marre our labour, Keepe your Cabines: you do aſſiſt the ſtorme. Gonz. Nay, good be patient.
Betes When the Sea is: hence, what cares theſe roai rcrs for the name of King? to Cabine; ſilence: trouble | n not.
Gon. Good, yet remember whom thou haſt aboord.
Beets. None that I more loue then my ſeiſe. You are a Counſellor, is you can command theſe Elements to ſilence, and worke the peace of the preſent, wee will not band a rope more, vſe your authoritie: If you cannot, glue thankes you haue liu’d ſo long, and make your ſeiſe readie in your Cabine for the miſchance of the boure, if it ſo hap. Cheerely good hearts: out of our way I fay. Exit.
Gon. I haue great comfort from this fellow: methinks be hath no drowning marke vpon him, his complexion is perfect Gallowes: ſtand faſt good Fate to his hanging, make the rope of his deſtiny our cable, for our owne doth little aduantage: If he be not borne to bee bang’d, our cafe is miſerable. Exit. Enter’Boteſwaine.
Bt>tes. Dow ne with the top-Maſt: yare, lower, lower, bring her to Try with Maine-courſe. A plague A cry —within. Enter Sebaſtian, Antbonio & Gonzalo.
vpon this howling: they are lowder then the weather, or our office: yet againe? What do you heere? Shal we giue ore and drowne, haue you a minde to ſinke?
Sebas. A poxe o’your throat, you bawling, blaſphemous incharitable Dog.
'Bates. Worke you then.
Antb. Hang cur, hang, you whoreſon inſolent Noyſemaker, we are leſſe afraid to be drownde, then thou art.
Gorm. Tie warrant him for drowning, though the Ship were no ſtronger then a Nutt-ſliell, and as leaky as an vnſtanched wench.
Bates. Lay her a hold, a hold, ſet her two courſes off to Sea againe, lay her off.
Enter Mariners wet. Mart. All loſt, to prayers, to prayers, all loſt. ’Bates. What muſt our mouths be cold.’ Gonz.The King, and Prince, at prayers, let’s aſſiſt I for our caſe is as theirs.
Sebas. Tarn out of patience.
An. We are meerly cheated of our liues by drunkards, This wide-chopt-raſcall, would thou mightſt lye drow— • ning the waſhing of ten Tides.
Gonz. Hee’l be hang’d yet, Though euery drop of water ſweare againſt it, And gape at widſt to glut him. A confuſed nayſe •within. Mercy on vs.
We ſplit, we ſplit, Farewell my wife, and children, Farewell brother: we ſplit, we ſplit, we ſplit. Antb. Let’s all ſinke with’King
Sib. Let’s take leaue of him. Exit.
Gonz. Now would 1 giue a thouſand furlongs of Sea, for an Acre of barren ground; Long heath, Browne firrs, any thing; the wills aboue be done, but I would faine dye a dry death. Exit.
Enter’Brojpero and Miranda. Mira. If by your Art (my deereſt fathers you haue Put the wild waters in this Rore; alay them: The ſkye it ſeemes would powre down ſtinking pitch, But that the Sea, mounting to th’welkins cheeke, Dalhes the ſire out. Oh! I haue ſuffered With thoſe that I ſaw ſuffer: A braue veſſell
A tempeſtuous noiſe of Thunder and Lightning heard: En" ter a Ship-maſter, and a Botefwaine.
Maſter. | Ote-ſwaine.
J Betes. Heere Maſter: What cheere?; Mafi. Good: Speake to th’Mariners I fall • too’t, yarely, or we run our ſeluys a ground, beftirre, beſtirre. Exit. Enter ctlfariners. Bates. Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts: rare, yare: Take in the toppe-ſale: Tend to th’Maſters whiſtle: Blow till thou burſt thy winde, if roome e oough.
Enter Alonſo, Sebaſtian, Anthonio, Ferdinando, GonzaIotand others, Alan. Good Botefwaine haue care: where’s the Mater: Play the men. cBotes. I pray now keepe below. Ar.tb. Where is the Maſter, Boſon? Betef.Do you not heare him? you marre our labour, Keepe your Cabines: you do aſſiſt the ſtorme. Goms. Nay, good be patient.
Bſtej. When the Sea is: hence, what cares theſe roarers for the name of King? to Cabine; ſilence: trouble va not.
Gon. Good, yet remember whom thou haſt aboord.
Botes. None that I more loue then my felfe. You are i Counſellor, if you can command theſe Elements to ſilence, and worke the peace of the preſent, wee will not band a rope more, vfe your authoritie: If you cannot, gbe thankes you haue liu’d ſo long, and make your felfe readie in your Cabine for the miſchance of the •’.Art, if it ſo hap. Cheerely good hearts: out of our way I Cry. Exit.
Gon. I haue great comfort from this fellow: methinks be hath no drowning marke vpon him, his complexion is perfect Callowes: ſtand faſt good Fate to his hanging, make the rope of his deſtiny our cable, for our owne doth little aduantage: If he be not borne to bee hang’d, our cafe is miſerable. Exit. Enter’Botefwaine.
Bxes.Dowae with the top-Maſt: yare, lower, lower, cnng her to Try with Maine-courſe. A plague A try within. Enter Sebaſtian, Antbonio & Gonzalo.
vpon this howling: they are lowder then the weather, or our office: yet againe? What do you heere* Shal we giue ore and drowne, haue you a minde to ſinke?
Sebas. A poxe o’your throat, you bawling, blaſphemous incharitable Dog.
'Boles. Worke you then.
Antb. Hang cur, hang, you whoreſon inſolent Noyſemaker, we are leſſe afraid to be drownde, then thou art.
Gomt. I’le warrant him for drowning, though the Ship were no ſtronger then a Nutt-ſliell, and as leaky as an vnſtanched wench.
Bates. Lay her a hold, a hold, ſet her two courſes off to Sea againe, lay her off.
Enter Mariners wet. Mari. All loſt, to prayers, to prayers, all loſt. "Boles. What muſt our mouths be cold? Guns.The King, and Prince, at prayers, let’s aſſiſt them, for our caſe is as theirs.
Sebas. I’am out of patience.
An. We are meerly cheated of our liues by drunkards, This wide-chopt-rafcall, would thou mightſt lye drowning the waſhing of ten Tides.
Gonz. Hee’l be hang’d yet, Though euery drop of water fweare againſt it, And gape at widſt to glut him. A confuſed noyſe within. Mercy on vs.
We ſplit, we ſplit, Farewell my wife, and children, Farewell brother: we ſplit, we ſplit, we ſplit. Ar.tb. Let’s all ſinke with’King
Seb. Let’s take leaue of him. Exit.
Gonz. Now would I giue a thouſand furlongs of Sea, for an Acre of barren ground: Long heath, Browne ſirrs, any thing; the wills aboue be done, but I would faine dye a dry death. Exit.
Enter Trojpero and Miranda. Mira. If by your Art (my deereſt fathers you haue Put the wild waters in this Rore; alay them: The ſkye it ſeemes would powre down ſtinking pitch, But that the Sea, mounting to th’welkins cheeke, Daſlies the fire out. Oh! I haue ſuffered With thoſe that I ſaw ſofter: A braue veſſell