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Panama, past and present/Index

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Abandoned French machinery,
Acla, 67, 68, 91, 92.
Administration Building, 208.
Africa circumnavigated, 37.
Agramonte, Dr Aristides, 157.
Ahorca Lagarto, 184.
Alonso, Juan, 57.
Alligators, 25
Amador, Dr. Manuel, Guerrero, 160.
American children, 199.
American Dredging and Contracting
Company, 127.
American intervention, 133, 139,
147, 149.
American merchant marine, 241.
Ancon Hill, 208.
Ancon Hospital, 121, 150, 105,
199, 208.
Ancon, town of, 13, 207.
Anopheles mosquitoes, 165.
Anson, Admiral, 94.
Antigua, Santa Maria de la, 52,
55, 56, 57, 62.
Antonio, Babtista, 78.
Ants, 25.
Arabic interpreters, 42.
Armadilloes, 21.
Armenians, 204.
Artigue, Sonderegger & Company,
Asia, 36, 91.
Aspinwall, City of, 105, 106.
Aspinwall, William H., 100.
Atrato River. 31, 48. 58. 66.
Avenida Central, 208.
Australia, 238
Ayora, Juan de, 65, 66.

Bacon, Nathaniel, 133.
Bahamas, 36.

Baldwin, J. L., 100, 101, 105.
Balboa, port of, 148, 193, 194.
Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, 51, 52,
55, 56, 57, 58, 61 to 68, 88,
133, 229.
Bananas, 18.
Band concerts, 199.
Barbacoas Bridge, 106, 108, 111.
Bas Obispo, 169, 187.
Bastidas, Roderigo de, 42, 48, 52.
Belgian locomotives, 124.
Birds, 20.
Biscaina, the, 41, 44.
Bishop of Panama, 67, 68, 214.
Bishop's Palace, 214.
Black Death, the, 166.
Black Swamp, the, 105.
Bloodhounds, 61.
Bocas del Toro, 243.
Bogata, 112, 115, 133, 138, 139, 143.
Bohio, 27.
Boston, 238.
Boy Scouts, 199.
Bradley, Captain, 83.
"Brain Wagon," 222.
Brazil, 241.
Brigandage, 100, 138, 204.
British East India Company, 92.
Brooklyn, 220.
Bucaneers, 80 to 86, 88, 91.
Bull-fights, 20, 214.
Bull-wheels, 181.

Cabildo, 79.
Cableways, 178.
Cacafuego, the, 76.
Calcutta, Black Hole of, 158.
Caledonia Bay, 92.
Calidonia, suburb of, 207.
California, 100, 113, 236, 237.

Camp Elliott, 217.
Campbell, Captain, 93.
Canal Medal, 247.
Canal Record, the, 199.
Canal routes, 31.
Canal Statistics, 256.
Canal tolls, 242, 261.
Canal Zone, 148, 158, 165, 169,
204, 205, 208, 217, 218.
Canal Zone Public Schools, 199.
Cape Gracias a Dios, 43, 48.
Cape Honduras, 43, 44
Cape of Good Hope, 37.
Cape of Storms, 37.
Capitana, the, 41.
Careta, Indian chief, 57, 58.
Cartagena, City of, 50, 73, 94,
Caribbean, 137, 139, 231.
Caribbean, dredge, 168.
Carroll, James, 157.
Castilla del Oro, 48.
Cathedral, Panama, 164, 208, 213.
Cathedral, Old Panama, 84.
Cathedral Plaza, 164, 208, 217.
Cayuca, 27.
Cement, 177.
Central America, 148, 243.
Chain-gang, 205.
Chagres Fever, 165.
Chagres River, 5, 32, 71, 78, 83,
94, 98, 105, 159, 169, 187.
Charles II, 86.
Charles V, 32, 134.
Chauncey, Henry, 100.
China, 238.
Chinese coolies, 107, 204.
Chinese exclusion law, 204.
Chinese merchants, 144, 204.
Chiriqui Lagoon, 6, 43.
Chiriqui, Province of, 43, 243,
Chucunaque Indians, 27.
Chucunaque River, 5.
Churches, old, 212.
Church societies, 199.
Cimaroons, 73, 85.
Club houses, 200.
Cocoanuts, 17.
"Coast of the Ear," 43.
Coastwise trade, 242.

Cold storage, 108, 150, 196.
Colmenares, 56.
Colombian flag, 244.
Colombia, United States of, 115,
137, 138, 140.
Colon, City of, 9, 13, 106, 139,
143, 144, 148, 160, 169, 193, 237.
Colon Hospital, 121, 150, 199.
Columbus, Bartholomew, 37, 41,
Columbus, Christopher, 36 to 48,
Columbus, Ferdinand, 41, 43,
Commissary, 196.
Comogre, Indian chief, 58, 61.
Concrete, 178.
Congress, Colombian, 140, 143.
Congress, International Canal,
116, 118.
Congress, United States, 100,
140, 148.
Constitution of Colombia, 137.
Constitution of Panama, 148.
Constitution of the United States,
Contractors, under the French,
Contrelas brothers, 134.
Conquistadores, 8, 137.
Constantinople, captured, 37.
Cordilleras del Bando, 5.
Coronel, port of, 237.
Cortez, Hernando, conqueror of
Mexico, 34, 43, 133.
Cosa, Juan de la, 50.
Costa Rica, 4, 43, 243.
"Creeping Johnny," 122.
Cristobal, town of, 149, 169.
Crocodiles, 22.
Cruces, 71, 98.
Cuba, 36, 124, 150, 157, 159, 167.
Cucaracha Slide, 189.
Culebra, 108, 225, 235.
Culebra Cut, 114, 124, 150, 169,
187 to 190.
Culebra Penitentiary, 205.
Cullen, adventurer, 32.

Dabaiba, Golden Temple of, 58,

Dampier, Captain, 21, 91.
Darien, canal route, 31.
Darien region, 48, 78, 88, 91, 169.
"Darien Song," the, 92.
David, City of, 243.
Davis, Major General George
W., 218.
Devol, Colonel, 221.
Diaz, Bartholomew, 217.
Dirt-train, 190.
"Dooley Mass," the, 164.
Drake, Sir Francis, 70 to 77,
80, 81, 134.
Dredges, 124, 127, 169.
Dumping-grounds, 190.
Dynamite, 188.

Earthquakes, 4.
East Indies, 36, 37, 41, 92, 130.
East Indian coolies, 107, 204.
Ecuador hats, 213.
Eliot, President, of Harvard,
Elizabeth, Queen, 70.
Empire, 190, 217.
Enciso, the bachelor, 51, 52, 55,
56, 57. 61.
Engineers, French, 124.
Esquemeling, Jan, 86.
Excavators, French, 124, 150.
Exotic, the, 177.

Fairy-stories, carried from East
to West, 37.
Ferdinand, King, 48.
Filibustering, 97, 143.
Finlay, Dr. Carlos, 154.
Fire Department, 199.
Fish, 25.
Flat arch, the, in the Church of
San Domingo, 4, 212.
Florida Everglades, 244.
Flowers, 18.
Fonseca, Bishop, 67.
Fort St. Andrew, 92.
Fortifications, 231.
Forty million dollar purchase,
140, 150, 256.
Forty-niners, 98, 99, 100, 187.
Fraternal orders, 200.
Free quarters, 195.

French Canal, as proposed, 118.
French Canal, cost of, 127.
French Canal Company, 114.
French Canal machinery, abandoned,
French extravagance, 123.
French freebooters, 75, 91.
Frijoles, 184
Fundy, Bay of, 9.

Gaillard Cut, see Culebra Cut.
Gatun, 105, 169, 187.
Gatun Dam, 169, 170, 232.
Gatun Lake, 170, 183, 184.
Gatun Locks, 174.
Gatun Spillway, 170.
Gaillard, Colonel, 221.
Gallego, the, 41, 44.
Gallegos, 203.
Galleon Fair, the, 80.
Galveston, 238.
Gambling, 122, 195, 200, 214.
Gamboa, 118, 187.
Garrison, Colombian, 143.
Garrison of Canal Zone, 232.
Gasca, Pedro de la, 134.
George III, 97.
German-made curios, 212.
Gilbert, the poet of the Isthmus,
9, 159.
Gisborne, adventurer, 32.
Goethals, Lieutenant G. R., 231.
Goethals, Colonel George W.,
218 to 226, 229.
Goethe's prophecy, 130.
"Gold Roll," 200.
Golden Gate, the, 235.
Gorgona shops, 100.
Gorgas, Colonel William C, 158
to 167, 218, 219.
Government ownership, 199, 225,
Government of the Canal Zone,
160, 164, 208, 218, 220.
Governor of Panama, 84, 143.
Greeks, 204.
Greeley, Horace, 241.
Guanin, mixture of gold and
copper, 43.
Gulf of Mexico, 130.
Gulf of San Miguel, 61, 67, 91.

Guzman, Don Juan Perez de,
84, 85.

Haciendas, 206.
Haciendados, 138.
Hardwood ties, 111.
Haroun-al-Raschid, 225.
Havana, 150, 154.
Hawkins, Sir John, 70, 77.
Hay, John, 148.
Heated Rock in the Culebra
Cut, 3.
High Rates on the Panama
Railroad, 111, 121.
Hodges, Colonel, 221.
Holy Ghost Orchid, 18.
Hughes, Colonel, 101.

Independence of Panama, 98,
133, 144, 147.
Iguanas, 22.
Iquique, port of, 237.
Isabella, Queen, 48.
Isabel, Dona, wife of
Pedrarias, 65.

Isle of Pines, 42.
Isthmian Canal Commission,
166, 208, 218 to 221.
Isthmus, direction of the, 6.
Isthmus Guard, the, 139.
Italians, 204.

Japan, 37, 38.
Japanese coolies, 204.
Jaguar, 20.
Jamaica, 47, 51, 81, 88, 92.
Jamaican stupidity, 203.
Jenkins, Captain, 94.
Johnson, Professor Emory R.,

Khedive of Egypt, 116.
Kissinger, John R., 157.

"Land of the Cocoanut Tree," 9.
Las Casas, 134.
Las Sabanas, 206.
Law, George, 100.
Lazear, Jesse William, 157.
Lepers, 164

Lesseps, Count Ferdinand de, 115
to 118, 121, 127, 128, 139, 229.
Light-houses, 184.
Limon Bay, 44, 251, 101, 168,
Lizards, 22.
Lock Canal, 116, 169, 174.
Locks, protection of, 232.
Lock chambers, 182.
Lock gates, 181.
Loss of life, in building Panama
Railroad, 107; in building
French Canal, 123.
Lowell, President, of Harvard,
Lunatics, 164.

Macana, 27.
Machete, uses of the, 14, 17.
Magellan, Straits of, 76, 88, 94,
113, 237.
Magoon, Governor Charles E.
Magoon, 160.
Manila, 34, 94.
Malaria, 102, 121, 122, 159, 165.
Manzanillo Island, 101.
Marco Polo, 36.
Marines, United States, 144, 217,
Martiniquans, 204.
Matachin, 184, 251.
Mendoza, President, of Panama,
Mexico, 34, 43, 243.
Miraflores, 164, 194.
Mississippi Valley, 3, 238.
Monkey Hill, 105.
Morgan, Sir Henry, 81 to 86.
Mosquitoes, 26, 102, 122, 154,
157, 158, 160, 163, 165.
Mount Hope, 105, 193, 196.
Mountains, 5.

Natives, 26, 244.
Naos, Island of, 88, 194.
Nashville, United States
gunboat, 144.
National Institute of Panama, 212.

National lottery, 214.
National Palace of Panama, 211.
National Police of Panama, 211,
Navy Bay, see Limon Bay.
Nelson, Horatio, 97.
New Edinburgh, 92.
New French Canal Company,
128, 140, 150, 256.
New Granada, Republic of, 100,
115, 133, 137, 138.
"New Laws for the Indies," the,
New Orleans, 196, 237, 238.
New York, 92, 100, 108, 143, 168,
New Zealand, 238.
Nicaragua, 33, 43, 97, 116, 134,
143, 218.
Nicuesa, Diego de, 48 to 51, 55,
Nombre de Dios, 56, 71, 72, 77,
134, 177.

Obaldia, Jose Domingo de, 143.
Ojeda, Alonso de, 48 to 51.
"Old Spanish Gun," 213.
Opening of the Canal, 229.
Oregon, 100, 237.
Oregon, United States battleship,
140, 231.
Orinoco River, 38, 44.
Ovando, 41.
Oviedo, historian, 51, 68.
Oxenham, John, 75, 76.

Pan American Railroad, 252.
Pacific Ocean, 58.
Pacific Steam Navigation
Company, 113.
Pacra, Indian chief, 61.
Palo Seco, 164.
Palos, 38.
Panama, "Place abounding in
fish," 25, 68.
Panama, Bay of, 91, 194.
Panama Canal, 32, 98, 114, 116,
118, 124, 127, 130, 150, 167,
168 to 194.

Panama Canal Baseball League,
199, 217.
Panama, present city of, 88, 94,
138, 139, 143, 144, 148, 150,
160, 163, 164, 208 to 217.
Panama, Old, 68, 69, 75, 77, 78,
79, 84 to 87, 134, 194, 207.
Panama, Gulf of, 6, 242.
"Panama" hats, 213.
Panama Pacific Exposition, 237.
Panama Railroad, 100 to 113,
121, 144, 187, 203, 220, 222,
225, 235, 236.
Panama Railroad Steamship
Line, 200, 229, 238, 243.
Panama Railroad Station, Panama City,
Panama Railroad Company, 100,
105, 111, 112, 113, 121, 138, 144.
Panama, Republic of, 144, 147, 148,
Panama, State of, 100, 137.
Panama, prehistoric Strait of, 3.
Panamanian Band, 164, 217.
Parker, Captain William, 77.
Patterson, James, 91, 94.
Pay-train, 204
Pearl Islands, 80.
Pedrarias the Cruel, 63 to 69, 134.
Pedro Miguel, 69, 188.
Pedro Miguel Locks, 194.
Peru, 58, 69, 71, 80, 94, 134, 213.
Pharaohs, the, 37, 174.
Philip II, 78.
Philippines, 9, 80, 230.
Pieces of Eight, 66, 177, 256.
Pike, Robert, 75.
Pineapples, 18.
Pirates, 78, 91.
Pizarro, Francisco, 51, 52, 68, 69,
Pizarro, Gonzalo, 134.
Plate Fleet, 73, 74, 94.
Port Arthur, 232.
Port of Provisions, 44.
Porto Bello, 44, 55, 77, 78, 80, 81,
83, 88, 94, 97, 177.

President of Panama, 160, 164,
207, 211, 217, 241.
President of the United States,
218, 190, 230.
Pullman cars, 124.

Quarries, 177.

Rainfall, 169.
Reed, Major Walter, 157.
"Red bug," the, 26.
Retrete, el, 44.
Revolution of 1688, 91.
Revolutions, earlier, in Panama,
133, 137, 138, 139, 207.
Revolution of 1903, 133, 143, 144,
147, 148, 149.
Rio Grande, the, 164.
Roads, 5, 206, 235.
Robber-barons, 133, 138.
Rocky Mountains, 130.
Roosevelt, President Theodore,
117, 147, 148, 208, 220, 247.
Ross, Dr. Ronald, 165.
Rousseau, Mr., Civil Engineer,
U.S.N., 221.
Royal Road, 71, 85, 94, 98, 208.
Runnels, Ran, 139.

Sandy Hook, 232, 235.
Sanitation, Department of, 160.
Santa Anna, Church of, 211.
Santa Anna Plaza, 211.
San Blas Indians, 27, 28, 90, 91,
92, 148, 244.
San Blas Hills, 169.
San Blas canal route, 31.
Santa Cruz, 65, 66, 67.
Santo Domingo, Island of, 38,
41, 49, 51, 76.
San Francisco, 99, 237.
Santiago de Cuba, 150.
Santiago de Palos, 41.
San Juan de Ulloa, 70, 77.
San Lorenzo, Castle of, 78, 83,
San Pablo, 184.
San Sebastian, town of, 50, 52.
Savannah River, 67.

Sabanas, las, 206.
Scorpions, 26, 195.
Scotch colony in Darien, 91 to
Scotch dredges, 124.
Screens, 159, 196.
Sea-level canal, 118, 169.
Seasons, rainy, 10; dry, 13.
Secretary of the Isthmian Canal
Commission, 123.
Secretary of War, 218.
Ship railway, Captain Eads's,
Ship-subsidies, 241.
Ship tunnel, 31, 35.
Shonts, Theodore P., 219.
Sibert, Colonel, 231.
"Silver Roll," 200.
Sisters of Charity, 122.
Slaves, 79, 244.
Slides, 189.
Smith, Bill, steam-shovelman,
195, 199.
Smuggling, 80.
Snakes, 21.
Soldiers of fortune, 138, 207.
"Soo" Locks, the, 178."
South America, 140, 231, 238,
South Sea, the, 6.
Spanish America, 134, 137, 238.
Spanish American War, 140, 153,
158, 220, 231.
Spanish Main, 38, 73, 255.
"Spickety," 207.
Spillway power-plant, 174, 236.
Spreader, 190.
"Star and Herald," the, 100.
Steam-shovels, 168, 188.
Stegomyia mosquito, 158, 160,
163, 165.
Stephens, John L., 100, 102, 107.
Stevens, John R, 159, 219.
Strain, Lieutenant, U. S. N., 32.
Suez Canal, 115, 183, 230, 236,

Taboga, Island of, 88, 113, 114,

Tarantulas, 26.
Tartary, Great Kahn of, 42.
Technical Commission, 117, 118,
Tehuantepec, 34.
Tehuantepec Railroad, 35.
Telegraph, the, 102.
Telegraph poles, III, 187.
Temperature, 3, 10, 199.
"Ten Families," the, 244.
Terra Firma, 38.
Texas, 244.
Tidal Basin, 118, 127.
Tides, difference in, 9, 118.
Titanic, the, 174.
Tivoli Hotel, the, 208.
Toro Point Breakwater, 168.
Torres, Colonel, 144.
Totten, Colonel, 100, 102, 105,
Tourists, 207, 212, 243.
Towing-locomotives, 178.
Track-shifter, 190.
Trautwine, Mr., 100, 101.
Treaty of 1846, the, 133.
Trees, 13, 14.
Turks, 204
Tuberculosis, 153.
Tuyra River, 5.
Type 17 House, 195.

Underground passages, 211.
United Fruit Company, 243.
Union Oil Company of
California, 236.
Union Pacific Railroad. 113.
United States Army Engineering
Corps, 220.
United States Army Medical
Corps, 154.
United States Canal Zone
Circuit Courts, 205.
United States Government, 129, 133,
140, 149, 150, 208, 244.

Unloader, 190.
Uraba, Gulf of, 48, 50.

Valdivia, port of, 237.
Valparaiso, port of, 237.
Vasco de Gama, 41.
Vegetation, 13.
Venta Cruz (see Cruces), 71, 75.
Veragua, 44, 47, 48, 50, 80.
Vera Cruz, 34, 70.
Vernon, Admiral Edward, 94.
Vespucci, Amerigo, 49.
Volcanoes, 3.

Wafer, Lionel, 91.
Walker, Rear-Admiral John G.,
Walker Commission, 218.
Wallace, Mr. John F., 218
War of 1812, 241.
"War of Jenkins' Ear," 94.
War of the Spanish Succession,
Waterworks, 163.
Watlings Island, 36.
West Indian negroes, 107, 128,
West Point, 148, 220.
William III, 92.
Williamson, Mr. B. S., Civil
Engineer, 221.
Women's Clubs, 199.
Wood, General Leonard, 157.
Wyse, Lieutenant L. N. B., 114.

Yams, 18.
Yellow Fever, 97, 121, 153, 157,
160, 163, 165, 167.
Yellow Fever Commission, 157.
Yellow Fever Immunes, 153.
"Yellow Peril," the, 222.
Yucatan, 42, 43.

Zone Police, the, 204, 207, 235