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Paper and Its Uses/Chapter 17

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2206557Paper and Its Uses — Alphabetical List Of Papers1914Edward A. Dawe



Account Book Papers.—Strong, even, well-made papers, hard tub-sized, with good writing surface, usually azure laid. The finish of both sides of the paper should be as nearly as possible equal, and opacity is essential. Hand-made and the best machine-made papers are all-rag, tub-sized, air-dried. Cheap varieties of account book papers can be obtained at 2½d. per lb., but these are engine-sized, and the strength is not sufficient to bear the handling to which account books generally are subjected.
Angle Papers.—Envelope papers, made in the usual way, and, after slitting, cut at an angle in order to economise in cutting the envelope blanks. The angle may be varied to suit customers' requirements.

Anti-Acid Manillas.—See Cable and Insulating Papers.

Backing Papers.—For stereotyping purposes. Brown papers which paste down easily and strengthen the flong.
Bag Papers.—Brown papers of medium substance for bags, usually royal in size.
Banks.—Thin tough papers, glazed or unglazed, for use where strong papers of little weight are required. Banks run from hand-made, tub-sized, air-dried, to machine-made, engine-sized, machine-finish, and the prices from 2s. 6d. to 3d. per lb. The usual sizes and weights are:—foolscap, 7 lb.; large post, 11 lb.; medium, 13 lb.
Bank-note Papers.—Hand-made papers for which new linen cuttings are used; the notes having to withstand considerable handling, the paper is specially strong and tough. Watermarks of special design are employed; the sheets are made twice the size of a bank-note, each note having three deckled edges.
Bible Papers.—Thin printing papers of good quality, opaque and strong. Used for Bibles and other books where a large number of pages is required to occupy a small bulk.
Bill Papers.—Hand or machine-made, all-rag papers, tub-sized, air-dried. Being used for documents such as promissory notes, bills of exchange, etc., the paper must be very durable.
Biscuit Caps.—Thin white M.G. papers, employed for making bags for confectionery and similar trades, in various sizes. The bags are frequently made up at the mill.
Blotting Papers are made from the tenderest of old cotton rags, and are free from loading and sizing. Made in white, pink, buff, green, blue, and silurian, the usual size is demy, and the weight 38 Ib. per ream of 480 sheets, at prices from 4d. to 8d. per Ib. Other stock substances are demy 27, 48, 60, 80, and 100 Ib. Blottings for interleaving diaries and similar works are sometimes made of a mixture of rag and soda wood pulps, or even entirely of wood pulp, in much lighter weights, and in various sizes equivalent to demy 14 Ib., at prices from 2^d. per Ib., according to quality. Enamelled blottings are made by pasting enamelled papers to blottings of the usual substance.
Bond Papers are similar in character to banks, but are heavier in weight. The term is often applied to superior looking engine-sized writings of medium substance, but strength is essential in all papers included in this class.
Bowl Papers, made from the waste from flax spinning mills, unsized, bleached or unbleached, are used for covering the rolls in calendering machines, where there are alternate rolls of compressed paper and chilled iron. The paper is made in sheets, square and circular, in the substance equivalent to 10 Ib. demy.

Box Boards, in various qualities, from the common grey board to the tough glazed board, made from different wastes, well rolled. Used by boxmakers, cut and creased by machinery, folded and fastened by glue or metal fastenings. Boxes for all trades are thus made, some being quite plain, others covered with coloured or fancy papers.

Bright Enamel Papers.—Enamelled papers, coated on one side only, finished with a high polish produced by calendering and brushing. Used for labels for various purposes, the design printed in several colours and bronze.
Bristol Boards.—Fine boards for black and white drawings. Various boards are called "Bristol," but the name rightly applies to those boards made of fine rag paper throughout, hot pressing being the method employed for obtaining the high surface. They are manufactured with the utmost care, free from all defects. Stock sizes, foolscap, demy, medium, royal, and imperial, and as papers of these sizes are pasted, and the finished boards trimmed all round, the boards are slightly smaller than the sizes of the papers.
Browns.—Brown wrapping papers are made of various materials and in many qualities and substances. Rope browns, air-dried, cylinder-dried are three kinds, "rope" being properly made from old ropes, but some papers sold under the name have wood pulps in their composition. Browns are made on the Fourdrinier machine, either dried on cylinders as ordinary papers, or cut up and hung to become air-dried. Air-dried browns are much more flexible and more durable than cylinder-dried papers. Browns are usually sold by the cwt., prices ranging from 8s. 6d. to 22s. 6d. per cwt. Usual sizes are shown on page 142. See also Wrappings.
Butter Papers.—These are greaseproof papers used for wrapping butter and similar articles. Vegetable parchment papers are used, imitation parchments, and papers treated with a solution of albumen and salt. Butter papers are glazed or unglazed.

Cable Papers.—Also known as insulating papers, which better describes their purpose. These papers are made from various materials, such as manilla, jute, and sometimes all wood; some are unsized, but others are hard-sized. Strength is essential, as they are cut to narrow widths, from one-sixth of an inch upwards, wound round the individual wires which go to make up cables. The covered wires are dried and the whole coated with some waterproofing non-conductive substance to ensure complete insulation. See Anti-acid Manillas.

Caps.—Thin brown wrappings, used in a variety of trades, fall under this general description.
Carbolic Paper.—Strong packing paper impregnated with carbolic acid, used for packing goods liable to attack by insects or fungi. Carbolic acid being a powerful germicide, and poisonous to insects, acts as protection.
Carbon Paper.—This is a class of paper increasing in use. It consists of a paper with a coating of colour, ground in an oily or waxy medium, applied to one or both sides of the sheet. The pigment, for the black, mauve and blue carbons, is largely composed of lampblack, but other colouring materials are used. The paper is unrolled from the web, the colour applied to the surface, and brushes rub the coating into the paper. Passing over heated and cooled cylinders the paper receives its finish, and is reeled and allowed to mature. Afterwards the paper is cut to special or standard sizes (foolscap folio and large post quarto). By the use of a very thin paper and very thin carbon papers, as many as twetve copies of a typewritten document may be obtained at one time. To make this possible the finest carbons are coated on the thinnest tissue paper procurable. Carbon papers for special purposes include two-sided, greaseless, copyable and hektograph.
Cards.—Pasteboards, ivory boards and pulp boards are cut into cards and put up in packets of 52 and 1,040. Retree cards have the wrappers inside out. Sizes of cards are given on page 140.
Carpet Felt Papers.—Thick, loosely-felted papers, having very little strength. Made of waste papers, grey in colour, used for placing under carpets to prevent marking by floorboards, to give a better feel to the floor covering, and, when impregnated with certain ingredients, to prevent moth infesting the carpet. Made in widths of 54 and 60 inches and sold in rolls of 12 and 25 yards.
Carriage Panels.—A special variety of compressed millboards, afterwards thoroughly waterproofed and used for roofing railway and other carriages.
Cartridges.—Strong papers, the best qualities are tub-sized, originally made for cartridge manufacture, but now used for cover papers and as cheap drawings.
Casing's.—Comparatively thin brown papers, used for lining cases, crates, etc.
Chart Papers.—Largely used by lithographers for map and chart printing. Machine-made, the best qualities are all-rag, tub-sized, with smooth surface. Must be strong, pliable, tough, resistant to wear, and at the same time a good printing surface is essential. The manufacture is arranged so as to avoid subsequent stretch.
Cheque Papers.—Good quality of paper, specially made for strength, usually all-rag. Special watermarks may be employed, or protection from fraud is obtained by special printing. Other cheque papers contain chemical compounds which render alteration or erasure easy of detection. The means adopted for erasure cause chemical combinations which alter the colour of the ink, or develop chemical change which discolours the paper.
Chromo Papers.—Fine coated papers for colour lithography, having a thick coating on a good body paper, finished dull or with a good surface. Usual sizes, medium, royal, double crown, imperial. The weights listed are usually those of the uncoated paper.
Cigarette Papers.—Tissues of finest quality, wove or laid, thin, strong, free from loading and taste, and must burn easily. Ropes form the basis of the paper, fine beating being essential. Some papers have chemical additions to the pulp in order to ensure even combustion.
Cloth-lined Paper.—Cotton cloth, equivalent to scrim or common muslins, according to quality, having paper facing. Cloth-centred paper has thin paper pasted on each side, while cloth-backed papers are of better quality, with a fair cloth on the back. Useful where much handling is required. Cloth-lined cards (sometimes described as linen-lined) are thicker substances than the papers. Surface enamelled cloth-lined cards are first made as cloth-backed cards and 'then enamelled with the coloured coating and plate glazed.
Coils.—Used for various purposes, such as telegraph, time recording machines, cash registers, music rolls for piano players, wiping the die in relief stamping, and for printing small forms on the reel. Papers are slit from the full reel, and re-wound on centres suitable for the machine or other spindles.
Collar Papers.—Papers for making paper collars and similar articles; made of wood pulp with a woven cotton or linen fabric rolled down to the paper, the surface filled with mineral and the whole highly rolled.
Copying Papers.—Thin glazed or unglazed papers of the same character and composition as tissues, but sometimes having a small amount of mineral matter added to ensure perfect copying. These papers are used for taking press copies of correspondence, the original being written (or typewritten) with copyable ink. The copying paper is damped, the superfluous moisture removed with a sheet of drying royal (q.v.) an oiled sheet placed at the back of the copying page and the whole placed in the copying press and given a good squeeze. One or more perfect copies of the correspondence can be obtained by this method. As copying books are made with 500 or 1,000 leaves, the reams are made up of 500 sheets. Rotary copying machines employ copying paper in rolls, sometimes perforated at regular intervals, a damping roller preparing the paper: the copy is taken by rotary pressure. Everdamp copying paper eliminates the damping roller from this class of machine.
Cork Paper.—For packing bottles, coarse wrapping paper is covered with adhesive, and on this powdered cork is sprinkled making an elastic packing material. For cigarette tips very thin sheets of cork are pasted to tissues and cut to widths suitable for the well-known cork tips.
Corrugated Paper.—The corrugation is effected by machine, the corrugated paper being glued or pasted to a flat web of similar paper. Commonly the thinnest strawboards are used, but for better classes white papers are employed. Obtainable in sheets or rolls, corrugated paper serves as protective packing for many classes of goods.
Cover Papers.—The term is applied to a large class of fancy papers, made in many shades, substances and sizes, suitable for the covers of pamphlets, booklets, price lists, for box covering, and the neutral shades for photographic albums and mounts. The qualities vary with the prices, which range from 2d. to 8d. per lb., the sizes following those most in demand, viz., medium (for demy), royal, etc.
Crayon Papers.—Drawing papers specially prepared for crayon work, with a rough surface, or finished smooth on one side. Hand-made or machine-made white or tinted papers are obtainable.
Crepe Papers.—Tissues in tints and deep colours, crinkled by passing through rollers bearing the pattern. The paper is much reduced in length, often to less than half the original length. Made up in rolls of 20 inches wide, 2½ yards long. Used for many fancy purposes, candle and lamp shades, artificial flowers, etc.
Cutlery Papers.—Thin brown papers, glazed on one or both sides, manufactured with special care to avoid acidity, so that they are sometimes finished with some alkalinity in order that cutlery and similar articles wrapped in the paper shall not be liable to attack from residues in the paper.
Drapers' Caps.—Very thin brown papers, glazed on one side (M.G.), made of wood pulp, used for wrapping small articles in many trades besides that of drapers; usual size, double crown.
Drawing Papers are made of the best and strongest rag fibres, free from impurities of all kinds. The highest classes of drawing papers are hand-made from unbleached fibre, tub-sized, with special treatment to avoid deterioration of the sizing, air-dried, and finished with various surfaces to suit different purposes. Machinemade drawing papers are made of similar materials with similar treatment, but papers of very fair quality, made entirely of chemical wood and engine-sized, are on the market. Cartridge papers are frequently used as substitutes for ordinary machine-made drawing papers. The usual sizes are royal, imperial, double elephant, and antiquarian.
Drying Royal.—Strong, unsized papers, royal in size, used in copying books to absorb the excess of moisture after the copying paper has been wetted. Blotting paper is not sufficiently strong to stand the handling to which the drying royal is subjected. Hand-made papers of this class are all-rag, but other fibres are used for some of those made on the machine. Weight, 44 Ib. or 88 Ib. per ream of 480 sheets.
Duplex Papers may be made of two layers of differently coloured papers brought together in the wet state and rolled together, or may be coated with different colours, after the paper is made, as duplex art papers.
Duplicating Papers.—Unsized or half-sized papers used for taking copies on cyclostyle, mimeograph and similar duplicating machines. Best qualities are composed largely of esparto, but the common varieties contain mechanical wood. Usual sizes: double foolscap 24 Ib., large post 18 Ib. per ream of 480 sheets.
Embossed Papers.—Papers of various qualities and colours are run through rollers engraved with patterns, by which means the papers are permanently embossed. Hard cover papers retain the patterns better than softer papers, but many kinds, repp, linen, crash, crocodile and other leather patterns are made upon soft papers. Embossed papers find favour as cover papers and box covering papers.
Enamelled Papers are body papers with a mineral coating on one side, white or coloured, the surface being highly polished. Used for labels, box coverings, and outside wrappers of various kinds, printed in one or more colours.
Engine-sized Papers.—The majority of papers are sized with resin, which is added to the pulp in the beating engine, hence the term "engine-sized" (E.S.). The attempts to size with animal size in the engine are not completely successful, as a large part of the gelatine, being in solution, goes away with the water. Most machine-made papers which are tub-sized are to some extent engine-sized.

Envelope Papers. All kinds of paper may be used for envelope making, but papers highly glazed on one side are usually meant. The highly-glazed surface is more suited for writing, while the rougher side takes the gum for the flap better than a burnished surface. Envelope papers are usually cut at an angle to prevent waste when cutting out blanks for envelopes. Demonstration of the waste involved by the use of square paper can be made by opening an ordinary envelope, and marking it out on an ordinary sheet of paper.

Feather-weight Paper.—A term applied to bulky book papers much in favour for current fiction. The fibre is esparto, beaten quickly, no loading, but little sizing, very little pressure while passing through the machine. The fibre being loose occupies a large space, and the paper is very light for its bulk, hence the term. Usual sizes and weights: double crown 30 to 60 lb., double demy 40 to 70 lb., and quad crown 55 to 120 lb. per ream of 516 sheets.
Filter Papers are used in chemical laboratories to separate substances in suspension from liquids. It is essential that the papers be entirely free from chemicals, and allow liquids to pass freely while retaining suspended matter. All-rag fibre is used, but grey filter papers may contain a proportion of wool fibre. Filter papers are made as blotting papers, and subjected to special treatment to remove all matter that is likely to confuse chemical analyses. Usual size, 24 by 24 inches.
Foil Papers.—Metals reduced to fine powder are dusted upon the paper which has received a coating of adhesive, and when all is dry the surface is highly burnished. Embossed foil papers are passed through special rolls. Used for covering boxes and picture mounts.
Fruit Paper.—Thin papers, similar to tissues in texture, but much lower in quality, used for wrapping fruits—apples, oranges, etc.—before packing. It is found that this isolation justifies the trouble and expense, an increased percentage of sound fruit reaching the market. Some wrappers are printed with the merchant's name and address.
Glazed Boards.—Millboards which are given a very high surface by repeated rolling.
Grass-bleached Tissues.—This term is applied to special tissues to describe papers quite free from chemicals. The ideal method of bleaching linen is by exposing on grass, and though these tissues are not treated in that manner, the ideal papers which will not tarnish silver or other bright metal goods are so described. Used for wrapping silver goods, and for protecting metal decorations and buttons on uniforms.
Greaseproof Papers.—Used for packing butter, lard, and other provisions; may be prepared as such in the pulp by prolonged beating, "wet" pulp being the result of long beating. The resulting paper is close, transparent, and, with ordinary sizing, is greaseproof. Other papers are rendered greaseproof by immersion in a bath of albumen and salt, this giving the paper an impervious coating. Vegetable parchment papers are used for similar purposes.
Grocery Papers.—The well-known blue sugar paper and purple sugar bags are examples of this class of paper. They are made of low-grade pulps, with which are mixed waste papers, a moderate amount of loading, and aniline colours. The squares are cut at the mill and bags too are often produced at the paper mill.
Hosiery Papers.—These are special heavy white wrapping papers, prepared to stand a good amount of handling, used as wrappers for packets of hosiery stock, and for similar purposes.
Imitation Art Paper.—To meet the demand for a cheaper paper than art paper, with some of the characteristics of the latter, such as opacity, absorbency, and a surface suitable for printing half-tones, imitation art papers have been introduced. They contain a large proportion of loading, and receive a good surface, the water finish being usually adopted. Stocked in double crown, double demy, double royal, quad crown, and quad demy.
Impression Papers.—Another term for duplicating papers. See Duplicating Papers.

Index Boards.—Pulp boards made of strong stuff, even, hard-sized, well-rolled, giving a good writing surface. It is important for card index systems to employ a card which is made in one thickness only; pasteboards bend and split at the corners if frequently handled. The uncut boards should be perfectly flat in order that ruling, printing, and cutting may be executed with accuracy. Guillotine cutting is not so satisfactory as cutting singly with a hand cutter or rotary cutting on a card cutting machine. The usual sizes of index boards are 20½ by 25½ inches and 30½ by 25½ inches, cutting to 5 by 3 inches, 6 by 4 inches and 8 by 5 inches.

India Proof Paper.—Thin paper made from the inner fibres of bamboo stems. Extremely soft and absorbent, it is therefore eminently suitable for taking full-bodied impressions in plate printing.
Insulating Papers.—For insulating wires for electric cables. See Anti-acid Manillas and Cable Papers.
Ivory Boards.—Hard, white, transparent boards, made from well-beaten stuff, the substance being obtained by bringing two or more webs of moist paper together, the junction being effected by rolling, no adhesive being employed. Ivories are obtainable in three or four substances, white or cream, and are used for high-class work, such as visiting, business, and menu cards. Stocked in royal boards, and also in various cut sizes.
Japanese Copying.—Specially thin and strong papers made in Japan from long fibres, used for copying books. Japanese papers are hand-made, the fibres pulped by hand, the sheets made on moulds of bamboo or hair. The length of fibre, precluding machine making, makes a paper of exceptional wearing qualities, the fibres pulling apart, and not tearing.
Japanese Vellum.—Thick papers made of Japanese fibres, very tough and durable, almost as difficult to tear as vellum. Finished with a good surface, suitable for certificates and various jobs where very tough and durable material is required. Stock sizes from crown to imperial; substance about 19, 28, 38 Ib. demy per ream of 500 sheets; price about 25. 3d. per Ib.

Kraft Papers.—"Kraft" means strength, and this is the characteristic of these papers. Unbleached wood pulp is the material used, and by prolonged boiling with soda under comparatively low pressure, the fibres receive less drastic chemical treatment than is usual in the preparation of wood pulp. Reduction to fibrous state is accomplished by the edge runner, drawing the fibres out, thus retaining the length and strength. Kraft papers are smooth, light brown in colour, strong and flexible, and are used for wrappings where these qualities are required.

Leather Boards.—Millboards made of strong materials to which a proportion of leather cuttings may be added. Used in boot and portmanteau manufacture.
Leatherette.—Papers used for box covering and for covers of cheap note-books. Common papers made to colour of the leather of which they are imitations, either as coloured body papers, or with coloured surface, and then embossed with leather grain.
Ledger Papers.—Strong, well-made writing papers, used for ledgers, therefore manufactured to withstand considerable handling. The best qualities are all-rag, tub-sized, air-dried, plate-glazed, quite opaque, with equal surface both sides. Usual sizes and substances: demy 24 lb., medium 34 lb., royal 44 lb., imperial 72 Ib. per ream of 480 sheets.
Lined Brief.—Foolscap paper ruled with thirty-six lines across the width of the paper, and a vertical marginal line. Hand-made and high-class machine-made papers of this kind have the lines as watermark.
Linen-faced Papers receive their patterns in one of three ways: (1) by passing between embossed and engraved rollers, as described under embossed papers; (2) by interleaving with zinc plates upon which are glued sheets of linen and passing through the plate-rolling machine; (3) sheets of linen used between sheets of paper to be impressed, metal plates top and bottom, and pressure applied at the plate-rolling machine. Many common papers are so treated, and are at present the favourites among fancy note-papers, silurian note L being quite eclipsed. High-class writings and cover papers are also linen-faced.

Lithographic Papers.—Papers for lithographers' general use, with good super-calendered surface, frequently soft-sized, the manufacture so arranged as to reduce the amount of stretch to a minimum. The best qualities are made of rag, the next quality of esparto. With the advent of the off-set litho. press, all papers have become possible as lithographic papers, but the description applies only as above.

Loan Papers.—Superior cream wove papers, made of the strongest materials, tub-sized and finished with a good writing surface. The materials and treatment are similar to those employed for bank papers, but the substances are heavier. Usual sizes, medium, double foolscap, royal, imperial, equivalent weights 20 to 40 Ib. medium, 480 sheets.
London Boards.—Originally boards formed by pasting sheets of best hand-made drawing paper. Thick pasteboards are sometimes supplied as London boards.
Long Elephants do not concern the ordinary printer. They are used by paper stainers, that is, wall paper printers. They form the ground papers for wall papers, are frequently of the same materials as printing papers, but put up in rolls of 22½ inches in width, with a length of 12 yards.
Magazine Paper.—Soft printing paper with a good supercalendered surface in order to give equal printing surfaces for half-tone illustrations each side of the sheet. Imitation art papers also are used for illustrated magazines.
Manifold (Typewriting) Banks.—The thinnest substances of typewriting papers are so described in lighter weights than ordinarily used as banks. The descriptions under Banks and Typewriting Papers are applicable to Manifold Banks.
Manifold Papers.—Papers used for taking copies at the time of making the original by writing or typewriting by means of carbon papers. In order to obtain a better impression of the original, the manifold paper, which is a tissue, is impregnated with oil. To enable the paper to take ruling and printing the paper is allowed to mature for some time to allow the oil to become distributed evenly throughout the paper.

Manilla Papers.—Strong, tough, flexible papers made from manilla hemp. Manilla does not bleach easily, the so-called white manilla papers being always low in colour. These papers are used for manilla labels (parcel tags), cartons, folders in index systems, correspondence covers, index cards, and for work where strength and durability are essential. The term "manilla" is now applied to a class of paper rather than to the papers made entirely or principally of manilla fibre. Many such papers are composed of unbleached chemical wood pulp, a long-fibred tough paper resulting, which is suitable for most of the purposes for which manilla papers are generally employed. For envelopes, however, the genuine article is not easily replaced. Low grade manillas may contain mechanical wood. Usual size and weights: double crown, 80, 100, 120 Ib. per ream of 480 sheets.

Map Papers are thin and tough, folding without cracking, usually slightly sized with animal sizing. Used for printing maps which are to be folded into small compass.
Marbled Papers are used for covers of various books, as wholly covering the book, or as sides in half- and quarter-binding, but the principal use is for end papers in account books. High-class marbled papers are made a sheet at a time in the following manner: a trough of gum is prepared, the colours for the pattern are sprinkled and dropped upon the surface, patterns are made by combing or some other means of regularising the design. The body paper is let down carefully to the gum, the colour adheres to the paper, and the sheets are hung to dry. Intricate machines are employed to make marbled papers, depositing the colours for transference to the paper. There are many patterns of marbling, the favourites being the Spanish, shell, and nonpareil designs, carried out in reds, blues, and greens. Fancy marbled papers are sold, but binders are conservative in their tastes. Cheap marbled papers are produced by lithography.

Metallic Paper is a coated paper for special uses, such as note-books for indelible writing, in which case writing with a metal stylus or indelible pencil is easily made, but cannot be erased; for indicator diagrams for various instruments where a light touch only can be given, but the diagram is faithfully recorded. A good quality paper is coated with a mixture of glue and zinc oxide, usually applied by hand and finished in the same way as art papers. Cheaper metallic papers are coated with barium sulphate.

Middles.—The materials for middles (of pasteboards) vary from waste paper to all-esparto fibre. Grey middles contain a large proportion of waste, mechanical wood and added mineral matter, while white middles are usually free from mechanical wood and of very fair strength. Made on the Fourdrinier machine, and left with machine finish, in order that the subsequent pasting of facing papers may be more thoroughly performed. In addition to their use for pasteboards, middles are used for tramway and bus tickets, frequently being tinted in the pulp.
Millboards are made from various waste fibres and waste papers. Hand-made and the best machine-made boards are made from hemp and flax fibres, the commoner machine-made from waste papers with or without long fibred material. The raw materials are reduced to pulp (the stronger materials boiled and beaten), made into boards in hand moulds or on special board machines, pressed, dried, heavily rolled, trimmed to size. Used for binding, boxmaking, portmanteaux, carriage panels, etc. (see page 143 for sizes and substances).
Mould-made Papers come between hand- and machine-made papers, having most of the characteristics of hand-mades. The moulding is mechanical, but the other operations are carried out as for hand-made papers. Four deckled edges will be present.
Music Papers, used for printing sheet music, are thick printing papers with a moderate amount of sizing, and with machine finish, making an easy printing surface for music type, plates, or lithographic surfaces. Usual size: demy, 20½ inches by 14¾ inches, 24 to 28 Ib. per ream of 480 sheets.
News.—Common printing papers, containing 60 to 80 per cent, of mechanical wood, a small amount of loading, and very little sizing. Suitable for news and other work of an ephemeral nature. Supplied in reels or sheets.
Non-curling Gummed Paper.—Specially prepared gummed paper, the body paper being made as nearly free from stretch as possible, and the coating of gum, when dry, is broken into fine particles by drawing the finished paper over a steel bar. This prevents the film of gum from acting as a single surface, and only when the particles again cohere is the non-curling property destroyed.
Oiled Paper.—See Manifold Paper and Stencil Paper.
Onion Skin.—A term applied to thin, hard, highly glazed translucent papers, because of their resemblance to the thin outer skin of the onion.
O. W. Papers are specially prepared for water colour drawings, the rags being reduced to pulp without chemical treatment, without bleaching. The papers are tested for chemical purity. Usual sizes of drawing papers.
Pamphlet Papers.—Tinted papers of various substances, used for covers of pamphlets, and for a large variety of jobbing work where a paper of fair weight is required.
Parcel Tape Paper is supplied in various widths and qualities, from ordinary gummed paper to kraft brown with gummed back; used for fastening small parcels instead of string or wax. Supplied in coils for use with a special damping machine.
Parchment Papers.—Properly, parchmented papers, i.e., the cellulose of which the paper is composed is altered in character to resemble parchment. A web of unsized paper is passed through a bath of strong sulphuric acid, which attacks and dissolves the cellulose, changing its fibrous form. Before the change is complete the paper is washed, the acid is neutralised, and the paper dried. The paper shrinks considerably, but is greaseproof and much stronger than before treatment. Vegetable parchment and pergamyn are alternative names for the same material. Used as an impervious packing paper for provisions, for tea packing, jam covers, etc.
Pasteboards.—Cardboards formed by pasting fine papers to middles of inferior quality. Distinct from triplex, ivory, and pulp boards.

Pastings.—Papers for pasting down; facings for pasteboards; covering paper used by boxmakers; white or coloured.

Plate Papers.—Thick, soft printing papers, made of good material, soft-sized. The thicker kinds are made by bringing two or more webs together in the wet state and pressing them together, one side only being calendered. Used for taking impressions from engraved copper and steel plates, also for fine lithography. Usual sizes and weights are crown, demy, royal, and double crown, equivalent to 40 to 60 Ib. demy.
Porcelain Paper.—Thick transparent paper of the nature of celluloid, made of well-beaten pulp. Used for Christmas cards and similar work.
Portmanteau Boards.—Tough boards used for the shapes or shells of portmanteaux and trunks, over which the leather or canvas cover is fixed. Manufactured as millboards, flax and hemp fibres being employed.
Pottery Tissues.—Tissue papers specially prepared for printing transfers for pottery decoration. The printing is from copperplate, engraved rolls, or lithographic surface, and the pattern is transferred to the china or earthenware before glazing.
Press Boards.—Thin, hard glazed boards, made of the best materials (see Millboards). Heavily rolled and friction glazed. Used for interleaving work which is to be hot or cold pressed.
Pressings.—Thick coloured papers, made on the single cylinder machine, therefore with M.G. surface. Used for the covers of exercise books, for box covering, etc.
Printing's.—A large class of papers, which are usually made with a fair surface, machine finish. Printings are moderately sized, so as to absorb ink readily, and only a small quantity of loading is added. The materials used include all the fibres which will bleach well; hand-made printings are tub-sized, machine-made are all enginesized. Rag, rag and esparto, chemical wood and esparto, chemical wood, chemical and mechanical wood papers are the varieties obtainable, white or toned. Super-calendered, imitation art, and art papers can be included under this heading, but they are usually treated separately. Sizes, weights, and prices on pp. 136-37.
Profile Papers are specially ruled papers for the use of engineers and surveyors; ruled, or printed from engraved roll. The usual pattern has quarter -inch squares, divided into five horizontal sections.
Programme Papers.—Soft papers, white or tinted, used for concert programmes, in order that there shall be no rustle when the pages are turned. The light weight (44 Ib.) of drying royal is sometimes used as a programme paper.
Pulp Boards are boards of one thickness only, made on the Fourdrinier machine, well sized, well rolled, in various substances and qualities, and in a variety of useful tints. Used for all purposes for which cards are employed.
Railway Buffs.—Cheap buff papers used for forms and envelopes for railway business. Forms are printed on glazed buffs, super-calendered papers; envelopes are made from M.G. buffs.
Rocket Paper.—Thick coarse paper used for making cases for rockets and other fireworks. White, coloured, or fancy papers are pasted on the outside of the firework cases, and the touch paper fastened on last.
Royal Hands.—A term used for wrapping papers made to royal size (24 by 19 inches).
Safety Cheque Papers are specially prepared by printing, as a groundwork, a small design in ink which is fugitive if treated with chemicals, or if erasure is attempted. Other safety papers are made by adding sensitive chemicals to the pulp, or by impregnating the finished paper. These additions act as detectives, as any alteration or attempt to remove the original writing results in coloured patches which betray the work.
Sampling Papers.—Coloured papers used for the display of textile and other samples, usually deep blue or deep yellow. Made in medium, 25 Ib. per ream of 480 sheets, and also supplied in rolls.
Sealings.—Thin tough M.G. papers used as parcel papers. Being glazed on one side, sealing wax adheres readily to the. rough side. Made in various substances and colours.

Sectional Papers are papers with squares of definite measurement, , , , , inch, or millimetre ruling. The larger squares are ruled, the smaller are printed from engraved rolls or from electrotypes of engraved plates. Printed on drawing paper, also on thin paper for subsequent reproduction by contact with sensitized papers.

Sensitized Paper.—Various papers for photographic printing, the paper receiving treatment after making. The emulsions are made and applied to the surface of the papers, or the paper is passed through a solution of sensitive salts. The developing after printing is done in another solution or in water, according to the preparation of the paper.
Shops.—White papers for packing, either glazed or unglazed; white grocery papers are shops. Substances equivalent to demy, 40 to 48 Ib.; sizes: demy, royal, 28 by 20 inches and in rolls.
Silurian.—Grey paper mottled with blue fibres. The pulps are coloured separately with fast dyes, and a small proportion of the darker fibres added to the grey pulp.
Skips.—Thin packing papers for lining skips or crates in which various goods afe packed.
Small Hands.—Thin M.G. wrapping papers, made of the commonest pulps.
Squared Papers.—Ruled or printed squares of various sizes on drawing, cartridge, and tracing papers. See Sectional Paper.
Stencil Paper (Oiled).—Thick strong paper used for cutting stencils for decorators. Manilla or other papers of good strength and substance are soaked in linseed oil, and sometimes varnished on one side.

Stencil Papers (Waxed) are used in connection with cyclostyle, mimeograph and similar machines. Thin, strong, unsized papers are coated with wax, and a stencil is actually made by removing the wax in various ways. For stencils made by handwriting the wax is removed by writing with a stylus on a file plate or a metal plate covered with bolting silk, or a cyclostyle pen, having a wheel at its tip, is used, making a series of perforations through the waxed paper. With the typewriter the wax is removed by a blow of the letter upon a tissue which is placed in front of the stencil paper. Wherever wax is perforated or removed ink can be forced through the stencil, and the prints, although not always showing the broken lines of stencil work, are actually produced by stencil process. On account of the strength of long fibred papers, Japanese tissues are usually employed as the basis of stencil papers.

Stereotyping Papers.—Tissues, grey blottings, and brown papers, as used in making stereo flong, are included in this category. It is possible to obtain flong papers made on the paper machine, the three papers being made separately and brought together before the couch rolls are reached.
Strawboards.—The cheapest boards obtainable for binding and mounting purposes. Made from straw, boiled with lime and reduced to pulp, manufactured into boards of various substances. Usual sizes, 30 by 25 inches, 32 by 22 inches, the boards being made up into bundles weighing 56 lb., the weight of individual boards governing the number in a bundle, e.g., 8 oz. board, 112 to bundle, 2½ lb. 22 in bundle, etc.
Sulphite Browns.—Brown wrapping papers made from unbleached sulphite wood pulp producing very strong papers.
Super-calendered Papers.—Term applied to printing papers which have received a high surface by passing through the super-calender rolls; but most writings, art, manilla, and coloured papers receive their finish in the same manner.
Tea Cartridges.—Generally made from chemical wood, but in some cases a mixture of rag and chemical wood is employed. Engine-sized, supplied in sheets or reels, substance equivalent to 14 to 34 lb. demy.
Ticket Boards.—Pasteboards with good white or coloured facing papers, sometimes coated, white or coloured; used by ticket writers for window tickets.
Tips.—Binders' tips are very thin millboards. Trunk makers' tips are thick, tough brown papers.

Tissues.—Fine thin papers, made of strong materials such as rag and hemp fibres, beaten very finely. Other tissues are made of chemical wood and a proportion of straw pulp. Papers are unsized, used for wrapping and protective purposes. Usual size and weight: double crown 7 Ib. per ream of 500 sheets.

Tobacco Papers.—Papers used for packing small quantities of the cheaper tobaccos; with good printing surface. Substance and sizes, 28 to 30 Ib. demy.
Toilet Papers.—Very thin M.G. papers put up in packets of cut pieces, or in rolls with or without perforation.
Tracing Papers.—Thin papers specially treated with a coating consisting of a mixture of certain gums and turpentine. Other papers used for tracing are glazed imitation parchments. Used for tracing maps, plans, drawings, etc.
Transfer Papers.—Specially coated papers for transferring designs to lithographic printing surfaces. Opaque or transparent papers are used, according to the use of the paper, whether it is merely as a transfer paper or also as a tracing paper. The coating mixture is such as will readily strip from the paper when put down on stone and the back is damped, all the ink of the transfer being left on the stone.
Triplex Boards are made on a cylinder machine, three webs being brought together in the wet state, but rolled, dried, and finished as a single web.
Tube Papers.—Soft unsized papers, made with a good percentage of rag, for making tubes or spools on which the yarn for spinning machines is wound.
Typewriting Papers.—Strong bank papers of good appearance, unglazed, used for correspondence and other typewritten matter. The extra superfine qualities are all-rag, tub-sized; some of the lower grades, chemical wood, engine-sized.
Vegetable Parchment.—Another name for parchment or parchmented paper. See Parchment Paper.
Vellum Papers.—(1) Name applied to writing papers with a good writing surface, not so smooth as super-calendered papers, but nearer to the surface of a well-finished vellum. Usually vellum woves, although laid papers with vellum finish are supplied. (2) Thick, strong, fine papers, used for engravings. See Japanese Vellum.

Waterproof Papers for packing purposes are made by coating strong wrappings with tar or bitumen, and rolling scrim on to the surface to prevent the coating coming in contact with the contents of the package. A coating between two sheets of thin wrapping paper is another method of waterproofing. Used for protecting goods from the influence of moisture. Roofing paper is a variety of waterproof paper prepared by coating strong papers with tar.

Waxed Paper.—Thin paper passed through a bath of melted paraffin wax which makes it perfectly impervious to moisture. Used for packing goods which are liable to deterioration if exposed to the atmosphere.
Whatman Boards are made by pasting sheets of "Whatman" drawing paper together until the desired thickness of board is attained. Boards only faced with "Whatman" paper are also supplied under this name.
Wheatstone Paper.—Blue tinted paper cut to narrow width for use in the tape machine, the telegraphic messages being recorded on the paper strip.
Willesden Paper.—Strong paper rendered impervious to moisture by immersion in a solution made copper in ammonia. The surface of the paper is thus partially dissolved, and the paper is washed, rolled, and dried. If a thick sheet is desired, thinner sheets are brought together while wet and consolidated by rolling.
Wiping-off Papers.—Papers used for relief stamping machines, usual substance demy 20 to 30 Ib.; in widths 2 inches, 2½ inches, 3 inches, 3½ inches, 4 inches, 5 inches, 6 inches, 7 inches, 7! inches, 9 inches, loj inches.
Wrapping Papers are described under the heads of Bag, Biscuit Caps, Browns, Caps, Carbolic, Casings, Cork, Corrugated, Cutlery, Drapers, Fruit, Grocery, Hosiery, Kraft, Parchment, Rocket, Royal Hands, Sealings, Shops, Skips, Small Hands, Sulphite Browns, Tea Cartridges, Tobacco Papers. Sizes, weights, and prices on page 142.
Writings.—Hard-sized papers of all kinds are suitable for writing, but an even paper of good surface is essential. See under Account Book, Bank-note, Banks, Bill, Cheque, Ledger, Lined Brief, Loan, Safety Cheque, Silurian, Typewriting, Vellum Papers. Sizes, weights, and prices on pp. 138-39.