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Paper and Its Uses/Customs

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The following are the recognised customs of the trade relative to papermaking, provided that no agreement to the contrary has been made at the time of the order between the vendor and the purchaser.


Paper is sold either at a price per ream, based upon its nominal weight, or at the actual weight by the pound, packed in reams or in reels. Wrapping paper is sold at scale weight.


1. A ream of paper, unless otherwise specified, contains 480 sheets.

2. A "perfect" ream for printing papers contains 516 sheets.

3. A ream of envelope paper contains 504 sheets.

4. A ream of news contains 500 sheets.

5. An "insides" ream contains 480 sheets all "insides," i.e., 20 good or inside quires of 24 sheets.

6. A "mill" ream contains 480 sheets, and consists of 18 "good" or "inside" quires of 24 sheets each, and 2 "outsides" quires of 24 sheets each.

7. Reams are classed as "good," "retree," and "outsides." The price of "retree" is 10 per cent., and of "outsides" 20 per cent. lower than that of "good."


8. A "mill" ream, "good" or "retree," contains 472 sheets, and consists of 18 "insides" quires of 24 sheets each, and two "outsides" quires of 20 sheets each.

9. An "insides" ream, "good "or "retree," contains 480 sheets, and consists of 20 "insides" quires of 24 sheets each. In all cases the "outsides" quires are placed one at the top and one at the bottom of the ream.


1. In printings, writings, etc., the average variation in substance of any ream must not exceed 4 per cent. either above or below the ordered substance.

In greys, caps, manillas, browns, coloured printings, etc., the average variation in substance of any ream must not exceed 5 per cent. either above or below the ordered substance.

2. In news, printings, writings, etc., the average variation in substance of any reel must not exceed 5 per cent. above or below the ordered substance.

In the case of paper on reels, claims for short length can only be made when the shortage exceeds 5 per cent., and then only for the amount of any excess over and above such 5 per cent., unless special arrangements to the contrary are made.

In greys, caps, manillas, browns, coloured printings, etc., the average variation in substance of any reel must not exceed 6 per cent. above or below the ordered substance.

3. But for all papers of substance under 6 lb. demy (17½ by 22½ inches), and above 50 lb. demy, the actual weight may vary 8 per cent. either over or under.

4. Payment for paper in reels, according to the printed or manufactured results, cannot be claimed by the purchaser.


1. The variation in measurement of paper in reams must not exceed ½ per cent., either above or below the ordered measurement, but in no case shall the margin of variation exceed ¼ inch or be less than ⅛ inch.

2. The width of paper in reels must not vary more than ½ per cent.


1. For makings of special weight, size, tint, watermark, etc., not having a regular sale in the market, the buyer is to take at full price any excess not exceeding 10 per cent. above the quantity ordered, including a reasonable proportion of "retree."

2. Where a maximum quantity is stipulated for when ordering, the order is considered duly executed if it amounts to not less than 90 per cent. of the stipulated quantity.


1. Unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the order, the maker is free as to what material he shall use.


The weight of necessary wrappers and string for reams and reels is to be included in the chargeable weight of the paper.


The customary terms of payment are:—A monthly account to run from the 20th of one month to the 19th of the next, payable during the succeeding month; thus goods invoiced from the 20th January to the 19th February shall be payable during March.


Carriage on returned empty frames, centres, boards, boxes, packing-cases, etc., is payable by the customer returning the same, unless special arrangements to the contrary are made.


The excess carriage charged by the railway companies on smalls shall be paid by the purchaser.


The actual weight ordered shall be marked on each ream at the mill.


The limit of time for a mill to hold stock to order of the purchaser shall be six months from the date when the paper is advised as ready for delivery, such date not being earlier than that specified on the order, after which it shall be invoiced, and shall therefrom become the property of the purchaser, and remain at his sole risk and expense, and shall be paid for within thirty days of invoice.


In all cases the purchaser shall pay for the dandy or moulds forthwith, but the maker shall allow an extra 2½ per cent. off the invoice for each delivery of paper made from such dandy until the cost of same is extinguished, after which it shall become the property of the maker. If after an interval of three years no further order has been received, the maker shall be at liberty to take out the watermark and make use of the frame as his property after giving thirty days' notice, provided nevertheless that the purchaser shall have the right of retaining the dandy or moulds by refunding one-half of the extra discount of 2½ per cent. allowed in respect of the cost.

  1. Not applicable to hand-made paper.
  2. Not applicable to hand-made paper.