Pastorals Epistles Odes (1748)/Fourth Pastoral
For other versions of this work, see Fourth Pastoral (Philips).
MYCO.HIS place may seem for shepherd's leisure made, So close these elms inweave their lofty shade; The twining woodbine, how it climbs! to breathe Refreshing sweets around on all beneath; 4The ground with grass of chearful green bespread, Through which the springing flower up-rears the head: Lo, here the kingcup of a golden hue, Medly'd with daisies white and endive blue, 8And honeysuckles of a purply dy, Confusion gay! bright-waving to the eye. Hark, how they warble in that brambly bush,The gaudy goldfinch and the speckly thrush, 12The linnet green, with others famed for skill, And blackbird fluting through his yellow bill: In sprightly concert how they all combine, Us prompting in the various song to join: 16 Up, Argol, then, and to thy lip apply Thy mellow pipe, or voice more sounding try: And since our ewes have graz'd, what harm if they Ly round and listen while the lambkins play? 20
ARGOL.Well, Myco, can thy dainty wit expressFair nature's bounties in the fairest dress:'Tis rapture all! the place, the birds, the sky; And rapture works the finger's fancy high. 24Sweet breathe the fields, and now a gentle breez Moves every leaf, and trembles through the trees: Ill such incitements suit my rugged lay, Befitting more the Musick thou can'st play. 28
MYCO.No skill of musick kon I, simple swain, No fine device thine ear to entertain: Albeit some deal I pipe, rude though it be, Sufficient to divert my sheep and me; 32 Yet Colinet (and Colinet hath skill)Oft' guides my fingers on the tunefull quill, And fain would teach me on what sounds to dwell, And where to sink a note, and where to swell. 36
ARGOL.Ah, Myco! half my flock would I bestow, Should Colinet to me his cunning show: So trim his sonnets are, I pr'ythee, swain, Now give us, once, a sample of his strain: 40For wonders of that lad the shepherds say, How sweet his pipe, how ravishing his lay!The sweetness of his pipe and lay rehearse; And ask what Boon thou willest for thy verse. 44
MYCO.Since then thou lift, a mournful song I chuse: A mournful song relieves a mournfull Muse.Fast by the river on a bank he sate, To weep the lovely maid's untimely fate, 48Fair Stella hight: a lovely maid was she, Whose fate he wept, a faithful shepherd he.
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 52
"O woeful day! O day of woe to me!"That ever I should live such day to see!"That ever she could dy! O most unkind,"To go and leave thy Colinet behind! 56"From blameless love and plighted troth to go,""And leave to Colinet a life of woe!
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 60
"And yet, why blame I her? Full fain would she"With dying arms have clasp'd herself to me;"I clasp'd her too, but death prov'd over-strong; "Nor vows nor tears could fleeting life prolong: 64"Yet how shall I from vows and tears refrain?"And why should vows, alas! and tears be vain?
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 68
"Aid me to grieve, with bleating moan, my sheep; "Aid me, thou ever-flowing stream, to weep; "Aid me ye faint, ye hollow, winds, to sigh,"And thou, my woe, assist me thou to dy. 72 "Me flock nor stream, nor winds nor woes, relieve; "She lov'd through life, and I through life will grieve.
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 76
"Ye gentler maids, companions of my fair,"With down-cast look, and with dishevell'd hair, "All beat the breast, and wring your hands and moan; "Her hour, untimely, might have prov'd your own: 80"Her hour, untimely, help me to lament; "And let your hearts at Stella's name relent.
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.84
"In vain the indearing luster of your eyes "We dote upon, and you as vainly prize."What though your beauty bless the faithful swain, "And in the enamour'd heart like queens ye reign; 88"Yet in their prime does death the fairest kill,"As ruthless winds the tender blossoms spill.
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 92
"Such Stella was; yet Stella might not live!"And what could Colinet in ransom give?"Oh! if or musick's voice, or beauty's charm,"Could milden death, and say his lifted arm, 96"My pipe her face, her face my pipe might save, Redeeming each the other from the grave.
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 100
"Ah, fruitless wish! fell death's uplifted arm "Nor beauty can arrest, nor musick charm."Behold! O baleful sight! see where she lies!"The budding flower, unkindly blasted, dies: 104"Nor, though I live the longest day to mourn, "Will she again to life and me return.
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 108
"Unhappy Colinet! what boots thee now,"To weave fresh girlonds for thy Stella's brow?"No girlond ever more may Stella wear, "Nor see the flowery season of the year, 112 "Nor dance nor sing, nor ever sweetly smile, "And every toil of Colinet beguile.
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 116
"Throw by the lilly, daffadil, and rose; "Wreaths of black yew, and willow pale, compose, "With baneful hemlock, deadly nightshade, dress'd, "Such chaplets as may witness chine unrest, 120"If aught can witness: O, ye shepherds tell, "When I am dead, no shepherd lov'd so well!
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress. 124
"Alack, my sheep! and thou, dear spotless lamb, "By Stella nurs'd, who wean'd thee from the dam, "What heed give I to aught but to my grief, "My whole employment, and my whole relief! 128 "Stray where ye lift, some happyer master try:"Yet once, my flock, was none so bless'd as I.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express 132Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
"My pipe, whose soothing sound could passion move, "And first taught Stella's virgin heart to love, "Shall silent hang upon this blasted oak, "Whence owls their dirges sing, and ravens croak: 136"Nor lark, nor linnet, shall by day delight, "Nor nightingale suspend my moan by night."The night and day shall undistinguish'd be, "Alike to Stella, and alike to me. 140
Awake, my pipe; in every note expressFair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
Thus, sorrowing, did the gentle shepherd sing, And urge the valley with his wail to ring. 144
And now that sheep hook for my song I crave.
ARGOL.Not this, but one more costly, shalt thou have, Of season'd elm, where studs of brass appear, To speak the giver's name, the month, and year; 148The hook of polish'd steel, the handle torn'd, And richly by the carver's skill adorn'd.
O, Colinet, how sweet thy grief to hear!How does thy verse subdue the listening ear! 152Soft falling as the still, refreshing, dew, To slake the drought, and herbage to renew: Not half so sweet the midnight winds, which move In drousy murmurs o'er the waving grove, 156Nor valley brook that, hid by alders, speeds O'er pebbles warbling, and through whisp'ring reeds, Nor dropping waters, which from rocks distil, And welly grots with tinkling echoes fill. 160Thrice happy Colinet, who can relieve Heart-anguish sore, and make it sweet to grieve!And next to thee shall Myco bear the bell, Who can repeat thy peerless song so well: 164But see! the hills increasing shadows cast; The sun, I ween, is leaving us in haste: His weakly rays faint glimmer through the wood, And bluey mists arise from yonder flood. 168
MYCO. Bid then our dogs to gather in the sheep.Good shepherds, with their flock, betimes should sleep. Who late lies down, thou know'st, as late will rise, And, sluggard-like, to noon-day snoring lies, 172 While in the fold his injur'd ewes complain, And after dewy pastures bleat in vain.