I.Venus, beauty of the skies,To whom a thousand temples rise,Gayly false in gentle smiles,Full of love-perplexing wiles, 4O goddess! from my heart removeThe wasting cares and pains of love.
II.If ever thou hast kindly hear'dA song in soft distress prefer'd, 8Propitious to my tuneful vow,O gentle goddess! hear me now.Descend thou bright, immortal, guest,In all thy radiant charms confess'd. 12
III.Thou once didst leave almighty Jove,And all the golden roofs above:The car thy wanton sparrows drew;Hov'ring in air they lightly flew; 16As to my bower they wing'd their way,I saw their quiv'ring pinions play.
IV.The birds dismiss'd (while you remain)Bore back their empty car again: 20Then you, with looks divinely mild,In ev'ry heav'nly feature smil'd,And ask'd, what new complaints I made,And why I call'd you to my aid? 24
V.What frenzy in my bosom rag'd,And by what care to be asswag'd?What gentle youth I would allure,Whom in my artful toils secure? 28Who does thy tender heart subdue,Tell me, my Sappho, tell me who?
VI.Tho now he shuns thy longing arms,He soon shall court thy slighted charms; 32Tho now thy off'rings he despise,He soon to thee shall sacrifice;Tho now he freez, he soon shall burn,And be thy victim in his turn. 36
VII.Celestial visitant, once moreThy needful presence I implore!In pity come and ease my grief,Bring my distemper'd soul relief: 40Favour thy suppliant's hidden fires, And give me all my heart desires.
This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.