Patriotic pieces from the Great War/God Speed Our Soldiers
Permission of the author
They know not where the journey ends,
Our Boys that march away;
They only know their Country sends
Them on its work to-day.
To foreign lands 'neath alien skies
The foeman's might to brave—
There Liberty deep-wounded lies
And calls on us to save.
Ye lads that leave our homes forlorn
As forth to War ye go,
What though our hearts with grief are torn,
Yet would we have it so.
Could France—friend of our infancy—
Appeal to us in vain?
France, that for our liberty bled
On Yorktown's storied plain!
God speed you, gallant gentlemen,
Columbia's Chivalry!
Fare forth to fields of Fame again,
For Faith and Memory.
We know your hearts beat strong and true,
That Freedom's blood will tell;
Dear Lads, our hats are off to you,
God keep you all. Farewell.