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Peeps at Many Lands: Siam/Advertisements

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3935273Peeps at Many Lands: Siam — Advertisements1908Ernest Young

Other books
boys & girls

in colour
like the

Peeps at Many

Price 3/6 each
all with full-page illustrations in colour
Large crown 8vo., cloth
By Lieut.-Col. A. F. Mockler-Ferryman
The Golden Girdle
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Allan Stewart
By Captain Cook
Voyages of Discovery
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
John Williamson
By John Finnemore
The Wolf Patrol
A Story of Baden-Powell's Boy Scouts
8 full-page Illustrations in colour by
H. M. Paget

Jack Haydon's Quest
8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
J. Jellicoe

By Mungo Park
Travels in Africa
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
John Williamson
By Hume Nisbet
The Divers
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
the Author
By Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
John Williamson
By the Duchess of Buckingham
and Chandos

Willy Wind, and Jock
and the Cheeses

With 57 Illustrations by J. S. Eland
(9 full-page in Colour)
By Stanley Waterloo
A Tale of the Time of
the Cave Men

With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Simon Harmon Vedder
By Ascott R. Hope
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Dorothy Furniss
By Andrew Home
By a Schoolboy's Hand
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Strickland Brown

From Fag to Monitor
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
John Williamson

By Andrew Home
Exiled from School
With 8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
John Williamson
By the Rev. R. C. Gillib
The Kinsfolk and
Friends of Jesus

With 16 full-page Illustrations in Colour and
Published by A. and C. Black, Soho Quare, London, W.

Price 6/= each
all with full-page illustrations in colour
Large square crown 8vo., cloth
By S. R. Crockett
Red Cap Adventures
Being the Second Series of Red Cap Tales
Stolen from the Treasure-Chest of the Wizard
of the North
16 full-page Illustrations by Allan Stewart
and others
By Miss Conway and Sir Martin Conway
The Children's Book
of Art

16 full-page Illustrations in Colour from
Public and Private Galleries
By S. R. Crockett
Red Cap Adventures
Stolen from the Treasure-Chest of the
Wizard of the North
16 full-page Illustrations by
Simon Harmon Vedoer
By G. E. Mitton
The Children's Book
of Stars

Preface by Sir David Gill, K.C.B.,
with 16 full-page Illustrations (11 in Colour) and
8 smaller figures in the text
Translated and Abridged by Dominick Daly
The Adventures of
Don Quixote

12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Stephen Baghot de la Bere
By G. E. Mitton
The Children's Book
of London

12 full-page Illustrations (11 in Colour) and
8 smaller figures in the text
Gulliver's Travels
16 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Stephen Baghot de la Bere
By Elizabeth Grierson
The Children's Book
of Celtic Stories

12 full-page Illustrations by
Allan Stewart
By Ascott R. Hope
Adventures of Punch

12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Stephen Baghot de la Bere
By Elizabeth W. Grierson
The Children's Book
of Edinburgh

12 full-page Illustrations by
Allan Stewart
By P. G. Wodehouse
William Tell Told

16 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Philip Dadd
By Elizabeth W. Grierson
Children's Tales fromk
Scottish Ballads

12 full-page Illustrations by
Allan Stewart
By John Bunyan
The Pilgrim's Progress
8 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Gertrude Demain Hammond, R.I.
Edited by G. E. Mitton
Swiss Family Robinson
12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Harry Rountree
By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's Cabin
8 full-page Illustrations and many
others in the text
Published by A. and C. Black, Soho Quare, London, W.

Price 6/= each
all with full-page illustrations in colour
Large square crown 8vo., cloth

Edited by
G. E. Mitton

Each volume deals entirely with the life-story of some one animal, and is not merely a collection of animal stories. It is necessary to emphasize this, as the idea of the series has sometimes been misunderstood. Children who have outgrown fairy-tales undoubtedly prefer this form of story to any other, and a more wholesome way of stimulating their interest in the living things around them could hardly be found.

Though the books are designed for children of all ages, many adults have been attracted by their freshness, and have found in them much that they did not know before.

The autobiographical form was chosen after careful consideration in preference to the newer method of regarding an animal through the eyes of a human being, because it is the first aim of the series to depict the world as animals see it, and it is not possible to do this realistically unless the animal himself tells the story.

The life story of
A Black Bear
By H. Perry Robinson
With 12 full-pages Illustrations in Colour by
J. Van Oont
The life story of
A Cat
By Violet Hunt
With 12 full-pages Illustrations in Colour by
Adolph Birkenruth
The life story of
A Dog
By G. E. Mitton
With 12 full-pages Illustrations in Colour by
John Williamson
The life story of
A Fox
By J. C. Tregarthen
With 12 full-pages Illustrations in Colour by
Countess Helena Gletchen
The life story of
A Fowl
By J. W. Hurst
With 12 full-pages Illustrations in Colour by
Allan Stewart and Maude Scrivener
The life story of
A Rat
By G. M. A. Hewett
With 12 full-pages Illustrations in Colour by
Stephen Baghot de la Bere
The life story of
A Squirrel
By T. C. Bridges
With 12 full-pages Illustrations in Colour by
Allan Stewart
Published by A. and C. Black, Soho Quare, London, W.


A child's letters from Morocco. Edited by T. Ernest Waltham • Containing illustrations from photographs • Square Demy Octavo • Cloth • Price 3s. 6d.

"Tangerine," as the name implies, deals with Tangier, but not in an historical sense only, because the pretty title is the name given to the little heroine who describes, with open eyes of amazement, all the funny things and people she meets with while living in that strange Moorish country.

Her letters, and the many beautiful and unique photographs which illustrate them, carry one back to the Old Testament history times, and if the illustrations had not been from actual photographs, it would have been very difficult to have believed that the old, old customs could be seen to-day so near to our own country and unmixed with modern civilization.

The book will especially interest the young, because children love to have incidents of real life put before them when they have been seen through the eyes of another child; besides, tangerines' letters are full of quaint doings and little adventures which must appeal to them.

Published by A. and C. Black, 4, 5, and 6, Soho Square, London, W.


Edited by
G. E. Mitton

Each containing 12 full-page illustrations
in colour
squar crown 8vo., cloth, gilt top

Price 6/= each
The life story of
A Black Bear
By H. Perry Robinson
With 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
J. Van Gort
The life story of
A Fox
By J. C. Tregarthen
With 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Countess Helena Glerichen
The life story of
A Cat
By Violet Hunt
With 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Adolph Birkenruth
The life story of
A Rat
By G. M. A. Hewett
With 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Stephen Baghot de la Bere
The life story of
A Dog
By G. E. Mitton
With 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
John Williamson
The life story of
A Squirrel
By T. C. Bridges
With 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by
Allan Stewart
The life story of
A Fowl
By J. W. Hurst
With 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour

The Observer says: "That a great many children, and their elders, too, take a continuous interest in the life stories of animals has been proved again and again, and therefore the idea of this series is one which is sure to commend itself to a large circle of readers. These volumes show that the happy idea has been very happily carried out."

published by
A. & C. Black, 4, 5, & 6, Soho Quare, London, W.

Swiss Family Robinson. edited by G. E. Mitton • containing twelve full-page illustrations in colour by Harry Rountree. Large square crown octavo cloth • gilt top • price 6s.

There's no friend like an old friend, and, among all schoolroom classics, "Swiss Family Robinson" is one of the oldest and best known. The present version is taken from one of the earliest of the English editions, and though a certain amount of unnecessary matter has been cut off to reduce it within reasonable limits, the slightly archaic flavour of the language has been retained.

Harry Rountree's illustrations in colour are really excellent, and make one wish it had been one's own privilege to meet the book for the first time in this guise.

Published by A. and C. Black, 4, 5, and 6, Soho Square, London, W.

The Children's Book of

By Elizabeth W. Grierson

Containing 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour from Paintings by
Allan Stewart
Large Square Crown 8ve., Cloth, Gilt Top. Price 6s.

"There have been many books written about Edinburgh, but none which attempts to point out its attractions or explain its historical associations in the way this one does for the benefit of young people. The author comes down to the level of little folks; yet the style in which she writes will not repel older people… The volume is one which is certain to prove popular with little folk." — Scotsman.

The Children's Book of

By G. E. Mitton
Author of several volumes in "The Fascination of London" Series edited by
Sir Walter Besant
Containing 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by John Williamson
Large Square Crown Svo., Cloth, Gilt Top. Price 6s.

"No better guide could our younger generation have. The book has been written so dexterously that a child of ten years of age will at once be attracted and be impatient to go on a voyage of discovery in that London of which it knows little or nothing beyond the fact that it is a very, very, big city. 'Pen Pictures of London' the bock might be called, and it will assuredly be in great demand at Christmas-time." — Morning Post.

The Children's Book of Stars
By G. E. Mitton
Author of The Children's Book of London
With a Preface by Sir David Gill, K.C.B.
Containing about 20 full-page Illustrations (11 in Colour) and numerous
Diagrams in the Text
Large Square Crown Svo., Cloth, Gilt Top. Price 6s.

"This book about stars stirs one to something like enthusiasm, because it is so obviously and so delightfully a book that ought to have been written, and a book that has been welt and lovingly written." — Tribune.

Children's Tales from
Scottish Ballads

By Elizabeth W, Grierson
Containing 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour from Paintings by
Allan Stewart
Large Square Crown Svo., Cloth, Gill Top. Price 6s.

"The author has singled out her stories well. Black Agnace of Dunbar is a stirring piece of writing, and if it and the other stories do not fire the imagination of the rising generation, then we have surely become a decadent race… The illustrations are again by Mr. Stewart, whose colouring is beautiful." — Speaker.

Published by A. and C. Black, 4, 5, and 6, Soho Square, London, W.