Picturesque New Zealand/Index
- Ahipara, 258, 261, 262.
- Akaroa, 160, 161.
- Alphabet, Maori, 262.
- Alum cliffs, 113.
- America, 37, 55, 65, 75, 284.
- American literature, 153.
- Americans, 9, 35.
- Amusement, the house of, 51.
- Amusements, 34, 51.
- Antarctica, 275.
- Apanui, Hurinui, Chief, 289, 295.
- Aratiatia Rapids, 123.
- Arawa canoe, 79.
- Arawa Country, 80.
- Arawas, 98.
- Arbitration, 12, 20.
- Arbitration Court, 32.
- Arikis, 47.
- Art, 71, 153, 154.
- Art Gallery, Wellington, 153, 154.
- Arthur Canyon, 192-98.
- Arthur's Pass, 237.
- Asiatic invasion, 35.
- Assets, public, 18, 19.
- Athens, 145.
- Auckland, 62-77, 151. 168; view of, from Mount Eden, 62; Queen Street, view of, 66; Albert Park, view of, 70.
- Auckland Hospital, 64.
- Auckland Land District, 254.
- Auckland University College, 170.
- Auditor-General, 25.
- Australasia, 67, 164, 235.
- Australia, 3, 9, 13, 165, 264, 271.
- Austrians, 256.
- Avalanches, 226.
- Back blocks, 246, 258, 259.
- Ballance, Hon. John, 9, 32.
- Ball Hut, 220-22.
- Ball Pass, 230-34.
- Banana, 250.
- Bank deposits, 16.
- Banks Peninsula, 160.
- Basilica, Roman Catholic, 162.
- Bat, 271.
- Baths, general, 54, 80, 81, 96, 104, 125.
- Baths, individual —
- Bay of Islands, 75, 250, 251.
- Bay of Plenty, 79, 131, 288, 295.
- Bealey Valley, 237.
- Beekeepers, State aid to, 20.
- Bicycles, 162.
- Bigamist, 289.
- "Billy," the, 234, 235.
- Birds, general, 271-75.
- Birds, individual —
- Albatross, 275.
- Amokura, 282.
- Cassowary, 272.
- Cook's petrel, 275.
- Cuckoo, long-tailed, 275.
- Cuckoo, shining, 275.
- Emu, 272.
- Fern bird, 273.
- Gannet, 129.
- Godwit, 275.
- Gull, 200.
- Huia, 274, 282.
- Kaka, 266.
- Kakapo, 273, 274.
- Kea, 222, 223.
- Kiwi, 273; bird and egg, 274.
- Korimako (Bell bird), 274.
- Moa, 271-73.
- Mutton bird, 129, 176, 275.
- Native crow, 274.
- Pheasant, 282.
- Shags, 275.
- Tui (Parson bird), 275.
- Weka (Wood hen), 182, 197, 273.
- Birkenhead, 64.
- Bishop of Auckland, 304.
- Blind Bay, 240.
- Boots, 219, 220.
- Boron, 129.
- Boyd massacre, 252, 253.
- Brain Pot, 93.
- Britannia, 149.
- Broadwood, 258.
- Brown, Prof. J. Macmillan, 37.
- Bubbles, 81, 99, 108, 115, 116.
- Buller Gorge, 236, 239, 240; view of, 240.
- Burial chests, 74.
- Buried villages, 78, 103.
- Burke's Pass, 215, 216.
- Burns, Robert, 167.
- Burns, Rev. Thomas, 167.
- Butter, 23.
- Cameron, General, 43.
- Campaign expenses, 29.
- Campbell Islands, 3.
- Campbell, Sir John Logan, 71.
- Cannibalism, 37, 40, 41.
- Cannibals, 175, 292, 293.
- Canoes, 72; races, 279, 285-88; men's races, view of, 288; women's hurdles, 286.
- Canterbury Association, 161.
- Canterbury College, 162, 170.
- Canterbury Land District, 230, 236.
- Canterbury Plains, 160.
- Capital, 6, 13, 14.
- Carnegie, Andrew, 169.
- Carnegie Library, 169.
- Carnegie Museum, 10.
- Carvings, Maori, 71-74.
- Cathedral, Christchurch, 161, 162; view of, 160.
- Cathedral Square, 161, 162.
- Caves, Waitomo, 132-136; view of, 134.
- Cemetery Gully, 64.
- Champagne Pool, 114, 115, 117, 118; view of, 118.
- Chatham Islands, 37, 39.
- Cheese, 23.
- Chelsea, 64.
- Cheltenham, 63.
- Chetwode Islands, 242, 243.
- Child labor, 15.
- Chinese, 22, 35, 156, 157.
- Christchurch, 65, 161-63; view of, 164.
- Christianity, 7, 48, 245, 251.
- Church, Hauhau, 308-10.
- Clifford, Sir George, 24, 163.
- Climate, 4, 5.
- Clinton Canyon, 185, 190-94; view of, 192.
- Coaching, 54.
- Coal, 19, 255.
- Coal mines. State, 20.
- Cold Lakes, 78, 79, 101, 167, 174, 178-85, 202-10.
- Collieries, State, 19.
- Communal ownership, 42, 94.
- Community kitchen, 94-96.
- Conciliation, 12, 20.
- Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 12, 14.
- Conservative Party, 28, 276.
- Cook, Capt. James, 6-10, 159, 160.
- Cooke, Fred R., 12.
- Cook Islands, 88.
- Cook Strait, 159, 213, 241, 244,
- Corinth, 145.
- Coromandel Peninsula, 63, 69.
- Cottages, 70.
- Cricket, 34. 71.
- Crickets, 247, 248.
- Crocodiles, 74.
- Cures, Maori, 45.
- Dairymen, State aid to, 20.
- Damascus, 145.
- Dargaville, 248.
- Death, 46, 47.
- Death rate, 5.
- Debt, public, 17, 18.
- Devil, the, 93.
- Devil's Bridge, 114.
- Devil's Reception, 93.
- Devil's Trumpet, 117, 120, 121.
- Devonport, 63, 64.
- Diving, 86, 87.
- Divorce, 49.
- Dolphin, 241-43.
- Dress, Maori, 280-82, 289-91.
- Drop Scene, 143.
- Drunkards' homes, 166.
- Duke of Wellington's Head, 251.
- Dunedin, 167-174; view of, 168; Boys' High School, view of, 170.
- D'Urville Island, 241.
- Earthquakes, 65, 105, 151, 162.
- Easter Island, 37.
- Education, 36, 261-63.
- Edward VII, King, 26, 295.
- Electoral system, 29, 30.
- Electricity, 20.
- Ellerslie Racecourse, 164.
- Employment agencies, 15.
- England, 7, 8, 30, 31, 156.
- Epsom, 70.
- Ethics, 48, 49.
- Executive Council, 26, 27.
- Export trade, 23, 24.
- Express service, 34, 35.
- Fairlie, 215.
- Falls, general, 183, 185, 192, 199, 224.
- Falls, individual —
- Federation of Labor, 14.
- Fenton, Judge Francis Dart, 38, 42.
- Ferry, Wellington-Lyttelton, 160.
- Festivals, Maori, 51.
- Fiji, 39.
- Fiordland, 167, 206.
- Fiords, 178, 179, 199-201.
- Fire insurance. State, 20.
- Fireless cookers, 85, 86, 93, 95.
- Fish, 76, 125, 176, 244, 276-78.
- Flora, general, 264-70.
- Flora, individual —
- Astelia, 139, 141.
- Beech, 183, 185, 190, 195, 198, 210, 265.
- Beetle nut, 266.
- Buttercup, 194, 221.
- Cabbage tree, 250, 269, 270.
- Celmisia, 194, 231.
- Clematis, 139, 265.
- Coprosmas, 202.
- Daisies, 193, 221.
- Ferns, 81, 91, 98, 141, 190, 191, 202, 206, 238, 250, 264-66.
- Flax, 23, 141, 237, 238, 250.
- Fuchsia, 197.
- Gentian, 202.
- Hinau, 265.
- Kauri, 245, 268.
- Kiekie, 139, 141.
- Kowhai, 265.
- Lancewood, 197.
- Lichens, 185, 190, 191.
- Mangemange, 141.
- Mangrove, 246, 254.
- Miro, 197.
- Mistletoe, 186, 187, 265.
- Moss, 183, 190, 191.
- Mountain lily, 193, 194, 231.
- Nikau palm, 264, 266.
- Pimpernels, 221.
- Pohutukawa, 265, 268, 269.
- Puriri, 265.
- Rata, 141, 176, 182, 183, 197, 238, 264, 265, 267, 268.
- Ribbonwood, 197, 265.
- Rimu, 183.
- Snow grass, 191, 195, 206.
- Snowberry, 202.
- Supplejack, 141.
- Tea-tree, (manuka), 78, 81, 86, 91, 98, 115, 117, 173, 181, 250.
- Toitoi (pampas grass), 104, 107, 139, 250, 270.
- Totara, 197, 221.
- Tree fern, 139, 141, 266.
- Tussock, 180, 202, 216, 217, 237.
- Tutu, 202, 206.
- Veronica, 197, 202, 221, 231.
- Violets, 221.
- Wild Irishman, 202, 206.
- Wild Spaniard, 221.
- Food-houses, 73, 74.
- Food-pits, 68.
- Football, 34.
- Forests, 264-70.
- Fornander, Judge, 38.
- Fort Cautley, 73.
- Fosco, Count, 319.
- Foveaux Strait, 175.
- Freehold, 32.
- French Pass, 240-42.
- Freshwater Basin, 201.
- Frog Pond, 93.
- Fruit culture, 250.
- Frying-Pan Creek, 100.
- Frying-Pan Flat, 107-09.
- Fuller's earth, 100, 107.
- Funeral customs, Maori, 46, 47.
- Galatia, 145.
- Gambling, 163-66.
- General Assembly, 25, 26.
- George V, King, 80.
- Geyser Valley, 117-21.
- Geysers, general, 79, 82, 88-93, 109-13, 115-21, 123.
- Geysers, individual —
- Caldron, 91, 92.
- Crow's Nest, 123.
- Dragon's Mouth, 118, 119.
- Eagle's Nest, 120.
- Great Wairakei, 118.
- Ioline, 123.
- Kereru, 92.
- Lady Knox, 115, 116.
- Malfroy, 80.
- Packhorse, 119, 120.
- Pohutu, 91, 92.
- Prince of Wales Feathers, 92, 120.
- Steam Hammer, 120, 121.
- Tamati, 123.
- Twins, 120.
- Waikite, 92, 93.
- Waikorihihi, 89, 91.
- Waimangu, 103, 110, 111; view of, 110.
- Wairoa, 88-90, 117.
- Waitikirangi, 123.
- Giant Porridge Pot, 113.
- Gibraltar, 108.
- Gisborne, 102, 295.
- Glacial débris, 173, 213, 215, 217.
- Glaciation, 181, 203.
- Glaciers, general, 126, 185, 202, 204, 206, 211, 214, 231.
- Glaciers, individual —
- Glade House, 186.
- Glenmark Swamp, 273.
- Glenorchy, 210.
- Glowworms, 133, 135, 136.
- Gold, 23, 179, 207, 215, 235.
- Golf, 34.
- Government buildings, 152, 153.
- Government, form of, 25-29.
- Government House, 75; view of, 56.
- Governor, 25-27.
- Grampus, 241-43.
- Granite, 185, 191, 192, 195, 200, 201.
- Grape culture, 250.
- Graveyards, 311, 312.
- Graywacke, 208.
- Great Barrier Island, 63, 131.
- Greenstone, 179, 215, 235.
- Grey, Sir George, 28.
- Grey Lynn, 70.
- Greymouth, 238.
- Gridiron, the, 108.
- Gudgeon, Colonel, 40, 254.
- Hair-dressing, 52.
- Haka dance, 84, 87, 88; view of, 88.
- Halley's comet, 295.
- Hamurana Spring, 82, 97.
- Hauhaus, 146, 305-12.
- Hauraki Gulf, 63, 69.
- Hawaii, 37, 38.
- Hawaiians, 83.
- Hawaiki, 36-40, 62, 79.
- Hawke Bay, 37.
- Heads, preserved, 74, 75.
- Head tax, Chinese, 22.
- Heitiki, 47.
- Helensville, 246.
- Hell's Gate, 99, 100.
- Herekino, 258, 259.
- Hermitage, the, 215, 217, 219, 220.
- Hinemoa, 98.
- Hobart, 165.
- Hobson Bay, 69.
- Hobson, Governor, 26, 151, 152.
- Hokianga Harbor, 258.
- Hokitika, 4.
- Holidays, 34.
- Hongi, Chief, 40, 245; rubbing noses, 282.
- Hooker Valley, 218, 219, 251, 232, 234.
- Horse-racing, 34, 163-65.
- Hotels, State, 20, 54.
- Hot Lakes Wonderland, 78-131.
- Hot Springs, 86, 91, 112, 125, 131, 215.
- House of Representatives, 26, 28, 29.
- Houses, Maori, 73, 74.
- Huntly, 315.
- Immigration, 7-9, 20, 22, 156, 157.
- Imperialism, 24.
- Import trade, 23.
- Incomes, 17.
- Industrial peace, 6, 20.
- Industrial safeguards, 13.
- Industrial Workers of the World, 14.
- Inferno, the, 111, 112.
- Ingle, R. H., 106-110.
- Initiative, the, 24.
- Insects, 271, 272.
- Insurance, State, 20.
- Intemperance, 166.
- Interest on Public Debt, 18.
- Invercargill, 174; view of, 174.
- Iron sands, 147.
- Irrigation, 4.
- Kaihau, Henry, 312-14, 316-18.
- Kaingaroa Plains, 82, 106.
- Kaipara Harbor, 246.
- Kangaroos, 9, 271.
- Karangahape Bluffs, 125.
- Karapiti Blowhole, 117, 120, 121.
- Katipo spider, 271.
- Kauri gum, 245, 254-257; diggers, view of, 256; giant tree, 268.
- Kemp, Major, 146.
- Ketetahi Springs, 127.
- King movement, 43.
- Kingsland, 70.
- Kingston, 204, 205.
- Kinloch, 210.
- Kitchener, Lord, 35, 83.
- Kite flying, 51.
- Kohatu, 240.
- Kupe, Chief, 38.
- Kurow, 215.
- Labor, 6, 12-15.
- Labor laws, 6, 13-15.
- Lakes —
- Ada, 198.
- Echo, 115.
- Hawea, 210.
- Kanieri, 235.
- Mahinapua, 235.
- Manapouri, 178, 180-83; view of, 182.
- Mapourika, 235.
- Mintaro, 194.
- Pukaki, 216, 217, 231.
- Quill, 196.
- Rotoiti, 101, 239.
- Rotomahana, 82, 103, 104, 112.
- Rotorua, 79, 81, 97, 103.
- Tarawera, 104.
- Taupo, 124, 125; view of, 122.
- Te Anau, 178, 180, 181, 183-85; view of, 178.
- Tekapo, 216.
- Waikaremoana, 102.
- Wakatipu, 180, 202-10; view of, 28.
- Wanaka, 210.
- Lambton Harbor, 149.
- Lanarkshire, 162.
- Land, Maoris', 41-43.
- Landlordism, 7.
- Landmarks, Maori, 41.
- Land tax, 6.
- Laodicea, 145.
- Larrikins, 170, 171.
- Lava, 82, 103, 125-27, 148.
- Law Court, 169.
- Lawyer's Head, 174.
- Leaf letter, 176, 177.
- Legislative Council, 25, 26, 28.
- Lemons, 250.
- Lemuria, 1.
- Liberal Administration, 9.
- Liberal Government, 276.
- Liberalism, 5.
- Liberal Party, 13.
- Life insurance, State, 20.
- Limes, 250.
- Limestone, 232, 234, 250.
- Little Barrier Island, 63.
- Lizard, 74, 271, 275, 276.
- Loans, State, 8.
- Lockouts, 14.
- London, 144; view of, 144.
- Lumsden, 180.
- Lyell, 239, 240.
- Lyttelton, 160, 161.
- Mackay's Creek, 198.
- Mackenzie Plains, 216.
- McKinnon, Quintin, 194, 195.
- McKinnon's Pass, 187, 192-95.
- Mahuta, King, 312-19; portrait of, 316.
- Malte Brun Hut, 220, 226.
- Mangonui, 254.
- Maning, Judge, 257.
- Manukau Harbor, 69.
- Manukau Heads, 69.
- Maori Carnival, 279-88.
- Maori Hill, 172, 173.
- Maori Kingdom, 279.
- Maoris, 7, 8, 25, 62, 68, 71, 73-75. 245, 251, 266, 273, 274; history and characteristics of the, 36-53; observations among the, 279-319; tattooed man, 8, 280; meeting-house, view of, 34; warrior, 38; village, view of, 42; woman, 50; carvings, 74.
- Marsden, Rev. Samuel, 7, 251.
- Marshall, Dr., 127.
- Matawhaura cliff, 101.
- Maui, demigod, 62, 277, 278.
- Maungapohatu, 296.
- Mayor Island, 131.
- Melanesians, 39.
- Melba, Madame, 83.
- Melbourne Cup, 165.
- Mercer, 285.
- Milford Track, 184, 186-99; view on, 186.
- Military Training, 35.
- Millionaires, 16.
- Missionaries, 7, 246.
- Mokoia Island, 81, 98.
- Monopoly, 5, 19.
- Moon, legend of, 48.
- Mooreans, 285.
- Moraines, 213, 221, 224.
- Morioris, 37, 39.
- Mornington, 169, 172.
- Motor coaches. State, 20.
- Motutaiko Island, 124.
- Motutapu Island, 63.
- Motutawa cliff, 101.
- Mountains —
- Alps, Central, 212.
- Alps, Southern, 4, 179, 190, 212-35; view of, 216.
- Anglem, 176.
- Aspiring, 210, 232.
- Balloon Peak, 186, 190, 192, 193, 195.
- Bay Peaks, 205.
- Bayonet Peaks, 205.
- Ben Lomond, 207-09.
- Bold Peak, 210.
- Bob's Peak, 208.
- Cargill, 173.
- Cashmere Hills, 162.
- Castle Mountain, 193.
- Cathedral Peaks, 182.
- Cecil's Peak, 208.
- Cook (Aorangi), 213, 216, 218, 226, 231, 232; view of, from Hooker River, 2.
- Cook Range, 221, 231.
- Cosmos, 210.
- Crown Range, 210.
- Dampier, 221.
- Darran Range, 201.
- De la Beche, 218, 221.
- Devil's Armchair, 197, 198.
- Devil's Staircase, 205.
- Dick, 205.
- Double Cone, 206.
- Douglas Peak, 221.
- Earnslaw, 210.
- Eden, 64, 67-70.
- Edgar, 193.
- Eglinton, 185.
- Egmont (Taranaki), 147, 148, 310; view of, 146.
- Elie de Beaumont, 221, 226.
- Elliott, 192, 193, 195.
- Flagstaff Hill, 170-73.
- Franklin Range, 184.
- Green, 226.
- Haidinger, 221, 226.
- Hart, 186, 192, 193.
- Hobson, 64.
- Hochstetter, 226, 229, 230.
- Huiarau Range, 102, 106.
- Hunter Mountains, 182.
- Ida, 173.
- Kaikouras, 160, 213.
- Kane, 185.
- Keplers, the, 182, 184.
- Kimberley Palisades, 199, 201.
- Knox, 210.
- Lammerlaws, the, 173.
- Largs Peak, 185.
- Lion Rock, 179, 199-201; view of, 202.
- Mackenzie, 185, 190.
- Malte Brun, 221, 226.
- Malte Brun Range, 218.
- Manaia, 250.
- Maungaongaonga, 113.
- Minarets, the, 226.
- Mitre Peak, 179, 199, 200; view of, 200.
- Monument, the, 182.
- Moorhouse Range, 219.
- Murchison Mountains, 184.
- Ngauruhoe, 105, 106, 126, 127, 147, 148; view of, 126.
- Ngongotaha, 81.
- One Tree Hill, 64, 67.
- Paeroa, 113.
- Pariroa Heights, 192.
- Pembroke Peak, 199.
- Phillips, 197, 200.
- Pihanga, 147, 148.
- Pillans, 193.
- Precipice Peak, 182.
- Pukeroa Hill, 85, 86.
- Queenstown Hill, 208.
- Rainbow, 106, 113.
- Rangitoto, 63, 69.
- Remarkables, the, 205-07; view of, 206.
- Richardson Range, 204.
- Roberts, 221.
- Rock and Pillar Range, 173.
- Rolleston, 237.
- Ruapehu, 4, 78, 106, 125, 126.
- Ruawahia, 103.
- Sefton,219, 231, 232; view of, 232.
- Sheerdowns Mountains, 197, 198.
- Silberhorn, 221.
- Skelmorlie Peaks, 185.
- Somnus, 210.
- Spire, the, 182.
- St. Bathans, 173.
- St. Paul's, 251, 252.
- St. Peter's, 251.
- Stokes, 244.
- Stuart Range, 184.
- Tarawera, 103-05.
- Tasman, 221.
- Te Anau, 185.
- Terror Peaks, 197, 198.
- Titiroa, 182.
- Tongariro, 79, 126, 147, 148.
- Tower Mountain, 185.
- Tutoko Peak, 199.
- Two Thumb Range, 215, 216.
- Victoria, 63.
- Wahanga, 103.
- Waitakere Ranges, 64, 69.
- Walter, 226.
- Walter Peak, 208.
- Moura, 103.
- Mouth of Hades, 100.
- Moutoa Island, 146.
- Museums, 71, 162.
- Mushroom Rocks, 251.
- Music, Maori, 51.
- Napier, 102.
- National Provident Fund, 20-22.
- Native Land Court, 42, 289.
- Neah Bay, 4.
- Nelson, 240.
- Nelson Land District, 236.
- New Munster, 159.
- New South Wales, 25.
- New South Wales Government, 75.
- New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, 154.
- New Zealand Company, 149.
- New Zealanders, characteristics of, 33-36.
- New Zealand Express Company, 169.
- Newton, 70.
- Ngaruawahia, 279-88.
- Ngauruhoe, 126; view of, 126.
- North Auckland, 245-63.
- Northcote, 64.
- North Island, the, 3, 4, 62-158, 245-63, 277, 278.
- North Shore, 69.
- Nose flutes, 51.
- Nose salutations, 282-84.
- Oamaru, 167.
- Ohaeawai, 78.
- Ohinemutu, 85-87.
- Old-age pensions, 20, 21.
- Onehunga, 63.
- One Tree Hill, 70.
- Opotiki, 288-305.
- Oranges, 250.
- Otago Harbor, 168.
- Otago Land District, 4, 178.
- Otago Peninsula, 172.
- Otira, 238.
- Otira Gorge, 236-38; view of, 236.
- Ounuwahao, 248.
- Owhata, 98.
- Oysters, 174, 175, 269.
- Paddle Wheel, the, 114.
- Paint-Pots, the, 123.
- Palmerston North, 55.
- Panekiri cliffs, 102.
- Park, Prof. James, 203, 204, 213.
- Parks —
- Albert, 70, 71; view of, 70.
- Botanical Gardens, 155, 168.
- Cornwall, 70, 71.
- Domain, the, 70, 71.
- Fiordland National, 178-201.
- Hagley, 161, 163.
- Jubilee, 168.
- Market Reserve, 168.
- Newtown, 155.
- Octagon, the, 167, 168.
- Oval Reserve, 168.
- Queenstown, 208.
- Tongariro National, 124-27.
- Victoria Gardens, 168.
- Parliament, New Zealand, 28, 29.
- Parnell, 70.
- Paterson Inlet, 176, 177.
- Pauperism, 16.
- Peanuts, 75, 76.
- Pelorus Jack, 241-43.
- Pennies, 66, 86, 87, 97.
- Penrhyn, 3.
- Pensions, 20, 21.
- Peria, 258.
- Picnics, 82.
- Picton, 244.
- Pie, 260, 261.
- Pigeongram service, 63.
- Pink Terrace, 104, 112; view of, 104.
- Pioneer Square, 145.
- Pipiriki, 143.
- Poi dance, 83, 84; view of, 84.
- Politeness, 77, 155.
- Political New Zealand, 24-32.
- Polygamy, 304, 305.
- Polynesia, 37, 275.
- Polynesians, 38, 39.
- Pompolona Huts, 187.
- Ponape, 37.
- Ponsonby, 70.
- Population, 7, 17.
- Porridge-pot, the, 100.
- Port Chalmers, 168.
- Port Jackson, 62.
- Port Nicholson, 149.
- Potatau Te Wherowhero, King, 43.
- Poultrymen, State aid to, 20.
- Poverty Bay, 6, 7.
- Presbyterian churches, 167.
- Prime Minister, 26, 27.
- Privacy, 70.
- Prohibition, 166.
- Prosperity, 6, 9, 16.
- Provinces, 26.
- Puarenga Creek, 87, 92.
- Public Trustee, 20.
- Public Utilities, 6, 19.
- Public Works policy, 9.
- Pumice, 82, 125.
- Queen Street, 66, 67.
- Queen's Drive, 173.
- Queenstown, 204, 205, 207-09; view of, 206.
- Queenstown Bay, 207, 208.
- Quintin Huts, 187, 196.
- Rabbits, 180, 181.
- Raids, Maori, 49.
- Rakaihaitu, Chief, 203.
- Railway Department, 58, 60.
- Railways, private, 57, 146, 147.
- Railways, State, 54-61.
- Railways, street, 65, 66, 155, 162, 159.
- Rainfall, 4, 201.
- Rangipo Desert, 137.
- Rangitoto Island, 63, 69.
- Rarotonga, 38, 39.
- Rats, 73.
- Raurimu Spiral, 132.
- Recall, the, 24.
- Red Crater, 127.
- Reefton, 238, 239.
- Referendum, the, 24.
- Religion, Maori, 47, 48.
- Remuera, 69, 70.
- Rent, 43.
- Reptiles, 271.
- Rewi, Chief, 43.
- Rhyolite cliff, 108.
- Riccarton Racecourse, 163, 164.
- Richardson, Billy, 67.
- Rivers —
- Arahura, 235.
- Arthur, 197, 198.
- Avon, 161-63.
- Buller, 238-40.
- Clinton, 184-86, 190-92.
- Dart, 204.
- Godley, 230.
- Greenstone, 204.
- Grey, 235.
- Hooker, 217, 221, 231, 234.
- Inangahua, 239.
- Kaipara, 246.
- Kawarau, 205.
- Murchison, 231.
- Otira, 236-38.
- Pukaki, 217.
- Rangitata, 230.
- Rees, 204.
- Taieri, 173.
- Tasman, 217, 218.
- Tongariro, 276.
- Von, 204.
- Waiau, 182.
- Waiho, 235.
- Waikato, 123, 125, 279-88, 312, 315.
- Waimakiriri, 237.
- Waiotapu, 115.
- Waipa, 279-88.
- Wairoa, 246-49.
- Wairua, 249, 250; falls, view of, 250.
- Wanganui, 137-146; view of, 138.
- Rongo, god, 52.
- Roslyn, 172.
- Rotorua, 79-85, 105; main bath-house, view of, 80; ducal haka, view of, 88.
- Round Trip, the, 103-12.
- Rua, prophet, 288-305; with four of his wives, 294.
- Ruahine Crater, 101.
- Rudd, Miscellaneous Ben, 171, 172.
- Rurima Island, 131.
- Russell (Kororareka), 151, 252.
- Sabbath observance, 34.
- Salubrity, 5.
- Salvation Army, 67, 166.
- Samoa, 38.
- Sanatoriums, State, 20, 54.
- Sandflies, 189, 190, 199.
- Satan's Glory, 100.
- Satan's Glory Hole, 124.
- Savings banks, post-office, 16.
- School, a Maori, 261, 262.
- Schools, public, 36, 261, 262; boys' high school, Dunedin, view of, 170.
- Scoria, 68, 126, 127, 148.
- Sealers, 175, 199.
- Seals, 175, 199.
- Seddon, Richard John, 30, 157, 158; portrait of, frontispiece.
- Settlement, 8.
- Sheep, 23, 24, 180.
- Shopping, 76, 77.
- Silica, 78, 99, 100, 108, 114, 123.
- Sinbad Gully, 200.
- Ski, 215, 226-29.
- Skyscraper, 64, 169.
- Slaves, 41.
- Sleeping-house, 73.
- Slums, 16.
- Smith, S. Percy, 38.
- Snakes, 271.
- Socialism, 6, 11, 12.
- Socialistic legislation, 11, 12.
- Socialist Party, 11, 12.
- Socialists, 11, 67.
- Society Islands, 285.
- Soldiers, imperial, 43.
- Sounds, general, 178, 179, 199-201.
- Sounds, individual —
- Southern Cross, 1, 36.
- South Island, the, 3, 4, 78, 159-244.
- Southland Land District, 178.
- South Pacific, 36, 67.
- Speed, 55-57.
- Sperry, Admiral, 71.
- Spirits, 44, 46.
- Sponge Cake, the, 109.
- Sports, 34.
- Stanley Bay, 64.
- State activities, 119-22.
- State ownership, 6, 19.
- Steamers, State, 20.
- Stewart Island, 3, 175-77.
- Stockmen, State aid to, 20.
- Stores, 76.
- Stout, Sir Robert, 35.
- Street odors, 76.
- Strikes, 14.
- St. Kilda Beach, 174.
- St. Matthew's Church, 64.
- St. Patrick's Cathedral, 64.
- Suffrage —
- Suicide, 86, 101.
- Sulphur, 78, 80, 99, 101, 107, 114, 128, 129.
- Sulphur beads, 115.
- Sulphur beds, 114.
- Sulphur cave, 115.
- Sulphur miners, 129, 130.
- Sulphur pits, 114.
- Sunrise, 230.
- Sunshine, 4.
- Superannuation, 20, 21.
- Superstition, 44, 45, 124.
- Sutherland, Captain, 189, 199, 200.
- Tahiti, 38.
- Tahitians, 83, 285, 291.
- Taieri Plain, 173.
- Tainui tribe, 68.
- Takapuna, 163.
- Tamaikoha, cannibal, 292, 293.
- Tanemahuta, god, 44.
- Tangaroa (Neptune), 277, 278.
- Tangi, 45.
- Tangiteroria, 248, 249.
- Taniwhas, 124.
- Tapu, 44, 45.
- Taranaki Land District, 7, 147.
- Tarts, 259, 260.
- Tasman, Abel, 6, 10, 159.
- Tasmania, 165, 248.
- Tasmanian Government, 164.
- Tasman Sea, 3, 63, 64, 69, 178, 199.
- Tattersall's, 164, 165.
- Tattooing, 50, 51.
- Taumarunui, 137, 138.
- Taupo, 82, 122-24; view of, 122.
- Tawhiao, King, 47.
- Tawhitinui, 146.
- Taylor's Mistake, 160.
- Te Ariki, 103.
- Te Aroha, 82.
- Te Heuheu Tukino, Chief, 125.
- Te Huki, Chief, 53.
- Te Kooti, prophet, 305-12; his butcher, 310.
- Te Mari Crater, 127.
- Te Rangihiroa, Dr., 48.
- Te Reinga, 7, 46, 257.
- Te Tukutuku, Chief, 93, 94.
- Te Ua, prophet, 310.
- Telegraph, 19, 20.
- Telephone, 19, 20.
- The Bluff, 174, 175.
- Theatre, first municipal, 146.
- Thermal islands, 78, 128-31.
- Thermology, 81.
- "The Spirit Land," 257, 258.
- Tickets, free railway, 60.
- Tides, 69, no, 247.
- Tikis, 72, 73.
- Tikitere, 82, 197-201; the Inferno, view of, 98.
- Timaru, 167, 215.
- Tipping, 58, 59.
- Tobogganing, 51, 232, 233.
- Tohungas, 45.
- Tokaanu, 86, 125.
- Tonganui, 277.
- Topography, 3, 4.
- Torpedo, the, 92.
- Totalizator, 163, 164, 166.
- Totem pole, 145, 146.
- Tourist Department, 54, 60, 80, 187-89, 220.
- Town Belt, 173.
- Trade, 22, 23.
- Travel, 54-61; cost of, 59, 60.
- Treaty of Waitangi, 152, 245.
- Trusts, 5.
- Tu, god, 52.
- Tuatara lizard, 275, 276.
- Tutanekai, Chief, 98.
- Twin Craters, 114.
- Umukaria, Chief, 98.
- United States, 17, 18, 23, 33, 35, 75.
- United States Navy, 66, 71.
- University education, 170.
- University of New Zealand, 170.
- University of Otago, 169.
- Urewera country, 288.
- Urewera tribe, 294.
- Valley of the Leith, 173.
- Victoria College, 170.
- Victoria, Queen, 152, 245.
- Volcanoes, 63, 68, 79, 82, 103-06, 126-31, 147, 176, 250.
- Waahi, 312, 315-19.
- Waikato country, 279.
- Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 7.
- Waihi, 14, 266.
- Waimakariri Valley, 237.
- Waimana, 296, 301.
- Waimangu, 82, 106-12; view of , 110.
- Waimangu Blowhole, 110.
- Waioaka, 305-12.
- Waiotapu Valley, 112-16.
- Wairakei, 82, 117-22.
- Wairoa, 103.
- Waitemata Harbor, 64.
- Waitomo, 132-36.
- Wanganui, 146.
- Ward, Sir Joseph, 17, 18; portrait of, 18.
- Water-power, 19.
- Wealth, private, 16, 17.
- Wealth, public, 17.
- Wellington, 149-57, 161; view of, 150: Town Hall, 154.
- Westland Land District, 157, 215, 230, 235, 236, 238.
- Westport, 239.
- Whakarewarewa, 82, 87-96.
- Whale Island, 131.
- Whalers, 8, 175, 246, 251.
- Whangarei, 250.
- Whangaroa, 251.
- Whangaroa Harbor, 251-53.
- Wheat, 160.
- White Island, 79, 106, 128-31.
- White, John, 40.
- White Terrace, 104, 105; hot water basin, view of, 22.
- Widows' pensions, 21.
- Wind, 5, 151, 217, 218.
- Windmills, 161.
- Witchcraft, 44.
- Witches' Caldron, 124.
- Wohlmann, Dr. A. S., 101.
- Wool, 23, 34, 160.