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Pirate Party Declaration of Principles/4.0

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Pirate Party Declaration of Principles 4.0 (May 2012)
Pirate Party Sweden
Table of content
1402464Pirate Party Declaration of Principles 4.0 — Table of contentMay 2012Pirate Party Sweden

The Pirate Party believes that people with access to free communication, culture and knowledge grow, feel better and work together to create a better and more humane society for all to live in. We see that modern information technology create new possibilities for people to themselves take control of their lives and to help in influencing the development of society. We see how a freer flow of information lets both thoughts, cultural creativity and economy grow. For these possibilities to succeed, and for us to not have to become imprisoned within increasing control and supervision, we require two fundamental changes in attitude from the people in charge:

The government must start trusting its citizens, show them greater respect and give them greater freedom.

People met with suspicion will respond with suspicion. People met with trust will respond with trust.

People met with harshness will respond with harshness. People met with humanity will respond with humanity.

People treated like criminals risk becoming criminals. People met with freedom and responsibility take responsibility over their freedom.

Society must use and not misuse the fantastic tools we have received to our assistance.

The right to free communication and privacy is not a threat, it is a prerequisite for humans and democracy to thrive. Free knowledge is not a threat, it is a prerequisite for innovation and progress. Shared culture should not be a crime, it is among the most beautiful things one can give, both to culture and to fellow humans.

Table of contents

  • 1. Modern information technology opens fantastic possibilities
    • 1.1 People's chances to communicate freely with each other strengthens freedom, participation and democracy.
    • 1.2 Free access to culture improves people's chances at building a good life.
    • 1.3 Free communication strengthens culture and spreads both participation and experience to more people.
  • 2. Strong forces want to hinder progress
    • 2.1 Supervision violates integrity and threatens both democracy and the open spreading of information.
    • 2.2 Patents and other monopolies of ideas impedes innovation and progress.
    • 2.3 Outdated monopolies of copying impedes free spreading, sharing and remixing of culture.
  • 3. The Pirate Party's mission and foundations
    • 3.1 All humans share the same rights.
    • 3.2 Democracy assumes free, unsupervised communication.
    • 3.3 All humans share the same right to personal integrity and privacy.
    • 3.4 Knowledge belongs to everyone.
    • 3.5 Culture enriches our lives and should be as available as possible.