Pocahontas and Other Poems (New York)/"Lord, remember us"
St. Luke.
Behold the babe, with ceaseless cry,
Just entering on mortality.
Oh Saviour! thou for whom wert spread,
Mid wondering brutes, the manger-bed,
With pity view its feeble strife,
And fan the trembling spark of life.
The boy, with giddy footsteps, strays
Through hidden Danger's devious maze;
Thou! who in childhood's wayward hour,
Wert subject to thy mother's power,
Withdraw his heart from Folly's snare,
And in Thy wisdom let him share.
The man mature, mid noontide heat,
Temptation's countless forms must meet;
Redeemer! thou who scorn and care
With meek, unanswering love didst bear,
His burdens ease, his thoughts control,
And with thy patience arm his soul.
The lonely stranger sorrowing roves,
An exile from the land he loves;
Thou, who but in one cottage glade
At Bethany wert welcome made,
Speak peace when deep despondence sighs,
And tell of mansions in the skies.
The mourner droops with heaving breast,
Low, where his buried idols rest;
Remember, Thou, who once didst shed
The tear of grief o'er friendship's bed,
Remember! let thy mercy flow,
And bless for heaven those pangs of wo.
The death-struck, on his couch of pain,
Feels every earthly solace vain;
The eye is glazed, the spirit faint,
Redeemer! cheer thy suffering saint;
Infuse thy strength when nature dies,
And to thy presence bid him rise.