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Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies/Article 11

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Art. XI. Introduction of Business.

54. Any member wishing to bring business before the assembly should, unless it is very simple, write down, in the form of a motion, what he would like to have the assembly adopt, thus:

Resolved, That the thanks of this convention be tendered to the citizens of this community for their hearty welcome and generous hospitality.

When there is no other business before the assembly, he rises and addresses the chairman by his title, thus: “Mr. Chairman,” who immediately recognizes him by announcing his name.[1] He then, having the floor, says, “I move the adoption of the following resolution,” which he reads and hands to the chairman.[2] Some one else seconds the motion, and the chairman says, “It has been moved and seconded that the following resolution be adopted,” when he reads the resolution; or he may read the resolution and then state the question thus: “The question is on the adoption of the resolution just read.” The merits of the resolution are then open to discussion, but before any member can discuss the question or make any motion, he must first obtain the floor as just described. After the chairman states the question, if no one rises to speak, or when he thinks the debate closed, he asks, “Are you ready for the question?”[3] If no one then rises, he puts the question in a form similar to the following: “The question is on the adoption of the resolution which you have heard read; as many as are in favor of its adoption will say aye.” When the ayes have voted, he says, “As many as are of a contrary opinion will say no.” He then announces the result, stating that the motion is carried, or lost, as the case may be, in the following form: “The motion is carried—the resolution is adopted;” or, “The ayes have it,—the resolution is adopted.” A majority of the votes cast is sufficient for the adoption of any motion, excepting those mentioned in § 39. [For other forms of stating and putting questions see § 65. For other illustrations of the common practice in introducing business, and in making various motions, see §§ 46–48. ]


  1. If the chairman has any special title (as President, for instance), he should be addressed by it, thus: ‘‘Mr. President.” Sometimes the chairman recognizes the speaker by merely bowing to him, but the proper course is to announce his name.
  2. Or, when he is recognized by the chair, he may say that he wishes to offer the following resolutions, which he reads and then moves their adoption. In very large bodies the name of the mover should be indorsed on the written resolutions, especially if much business is to be transacted.
  3. See second note to § 65.