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Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies/Index

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The figures from 1 to 45 refer to sections in Part I. Always consult the Table of Rules, p. 8, for information about any particular motion. A complete list of motions will be found in the Index, under the title, “Motions, list of.” The arrangement of the work can be most easily seen by examining the Table of Contents [pp. 3–6]; its plan is explained in the Introduction, pp. 16–19.

Adjourn, motion to 11, 63b
effect upon unfinished business 11
motion to “fix the time to which to adjourn” 10, 63
Amendment, motion to “amend” 23, 56a
by “adding” or “striking out” 23, 56a
by “striking out and inserting” 23, 56a
by “substituting” 23, 56a
by “dividing the question” 4, 23, 56a
of an amendment 23, 56a
in committee 28, 53
in committee of the whole 32
of reports or propositions with several paragraphs 44, 48b
of Rules of Order, By-Laws and Constitutions 45
motions that cannot be amended 23, 56a
Announcing the Vote 38, 54
Appeal from the decision of the chair 14, 61e
Apply, meaning of [Introduction, p. 18]  
Assembly, how organized 46, 47, 48
the word to be replaced by Society, Convention, etc., when it occurs in forms of questions, p. 20.  
right to punish members 66
right to eject persons from their room 67
trial of members 69
Ayes and Noes [same as Yeas and Nays] 38
Ballot 38
Blanks, filling of 25
in balloting, not to be counted 38
Boards of Trustees, Managers, etc., reports of, in order when reports of standing committees are made 44
[See Quorum.]  
Business, introduction of 1–5, 54
order of 44
priority of, questions relating to are undebatable 35
unfinished, effect of an adjournment upon 11
By-Laws, what they should contain 49
adoption of 48b
amendment of 45
Call of the House 70
Call to Order 14, 61d
Chairman, duties of 40, 50
election of 46a
temporary 40, 47
of a committee 28, 53
of committee of the whole 32
Change of Vote allowed before result is announced 38
Classification of Motions according to their object 55
into Privileged, Incidental, Subsidiary and Principal 6–9
Clerk, duties of 41, 51
additional duties of, when receiving money 52
election of 46a
Commit, motion to 22, 56b
Committees, appointment of 22, 46c
how they should be composed 22, 53
object of 28, 53
manner of conducting business in 28, 53
Reports of, their form 29, 53
their reception 30, 46c
their adoption 31, 46c
their place in the order of business 44
common errors in acting upon [note] 30
Minority Reports of, their form 29, 53
cannot be acted upon unless moved as a substitute for the committee’s (majority’s) report 28, 53
of the whole 32
as if in committee of the whole 33
Congress, rules of, the basis of this work, pp. 14–16.  
Consideration, of a question, objection to 15, 59a
Constitutions, what they should contain 49
adoption of, by a society 48b
amendment of 45
Convention, organizing and conducting a meeting of 47
Credentials of delegates 47
Debate, what precedes 3, 54
no member to speak but twice in same 34, 64
no speech to be longer than ten minutes 34, 64
majority can extend number and length of speeches 34, 64
number and length of speeches in Congress [note] 34, 64
member reporting measure has right to close 34
list of undebatable questions 35
motions that open the main question to 35
principles regulating the extent of [note] 35
decorum in 36, 64
closing or limiting 37, 58
Decorum in debate 36, 64
Definitions of various terms [Introduction, p. 19.]  
Delegates, organization of a meeting of 47
Division of the assembly 38
of questions [see Amendment] 4, 56a
Ecclesiastical Tribunals, legal rights of 68
Eject persons from their room, right of an assembly to 67
Errors, common, [Introduction, p. 19].  
Explanation, personal, unprivileged [note] 62c
Expulsion of Members requires a ⅔ vote 69
Election of Officers 46a, 47
Fix the time to which to Adjourn, motion to 10, 63a
Floor, how to obtain 2, 54
Forms of making motions 46, 54
of stating and putting questions 38, 65
of announcing the result of a vote 38, 54
of reports of committees 29, 63
of treasurers’ reports 52
of minutes of a meeting 41, 51
of conducting an occasional or mass meeting 46
of conducting a meeting of delegates 47
of conducting a meeting to organize a society 48
of conducting an ordinary meeting of a society 48b
House, call of the 70
Incidental questions 8
Indefinite postponement 24, 59b
Informal consideration of a question 33
Introduction of Business 1–5, 54
Journal, or minutes 41, 51
Legal Rights [see Assembly and Ecclesiastical Tribunals].  
Lie on the table, motion to 19, 57b, 59c
Main question 6
Majority [see Two-thirds and Quorum]  
Meeting, distinction between it and session [note] 42
how to conduct [see Forms].  
Members not to be present during a debate concerning themselves 36
not to vote on questions personal to themselves 38
trial of 69
not to be expelled by less than a two-thirds vote 69
Minority Report [see Committees].  
Minutes, form and contents of 41, 51
Moderator [see Chairman].  
Modification of a motion by the mover 5
Motions, list of. [For details, see each motion in the Index.]  
Adjourn 11, 63b
Adjourn, fix the time to which to 10, 63a
Amend 23, 56a
Adopt a report [same as accept or agree to] 31, 46c
Appeal 14, 61e
Blanks, filling 25
Call to order 14, 61d
Close debate 37, 58
Commit 22, 56b
Consideration of a question, objection to 15, 59a
Divide the question 4, 23, 56a
Extend the limits of debate 34, 64
Fix the time to which to adjourn 10, 63a
Incidental motions or questions 8
Indefinitely postpone 24, 59b
Informal consideration of a question 33
Leave to continue speech when guilty of indecorum 36
Leave to withdraw a motion 17, 62b
Lie on the table 19, 57b, 59c
Limit debate 37, 58b
Main motions or questions 6
Objection to the consideration of a question 15, 59a
Order, questions of 14, 61d
Orders of the day 13, 61a
Orders, special 13, 61b
Postpone to a certain day 21, 57a
Postpone indefinitely 24, 59b
Previous question 20, 58a
Principal motions or questions 6
Priority of business, questions relating to 35
Privileged motions or questions 9
Privilege, questions of 12, 62c
Reading papers 16, 62
Reception of a report [see Committees] 30, 46c
Recommit [same as Commit] 22, 56b
Reconsider 27, 60
Refer [same as Commit] 22, 56b
Renewal of a motion 26, 60
Rise [in committee, equals adjourn] 11, 32
Shall the question be considered [or discussed]? 15, 59a
Special Order, to make a 13, 61b
Strike out [see Amendment] 23, 56a
Subsidiary motions or questions 7
Substitute [same as Amendment, which see] 23, 56a
Suspension of the Rules 18, 61c
Take from the table [see Lie on the table] 19, 57b
Take up a question out of its proper order 44
Withdrawal of a motion 17, 62
Motions, Table of Rules relating to, p. 8.  
classified according to their object 55
classified into Privileged, Incidental, Subsidiary, etc. 6–9
order of precedence of [see each motion, §§ 10–27], p. 10.  
how to be made 1, 2, 46, 54
a second required (with certain exceptions) 3, 65
to be stated by chairman before being discussed 3, 54
when to be in writing 4, 54
how to be divided 4
how to be modified by the mover 3, 5, 17
how to be stated and put to the question 38, 65
that cannot be amended 23, 56a
that cannot be debated 35
that open main question to debate 35
that require two-thirds vote for their adoption 39
Nominations, how treated 25, 46a
Numbers of paragraphs, clerk to correct without a vote 23
Objection to the consideration [discussion or introduction] of a question 15, 59a
Officers of an assembly [see Chairman, Clerk, Treasurer and Vice-Presidents].  
Order, questions of and a call to 14, 61d
of business 44, 72
of the day 13, 61a
special 13, 61b
of precedence of motions [see Precedence].  
Organization of an occasional or mass meeting 46a
of a convention or assembly of delegates 47
of a permanent society 48
Papers and documents, reading of 16, 62
in custody of clerk 41, 51
Parliamentary Law, its origin, etc., p. 13.  
Personal explanation, not privileged [note] 62c
Plan of the Manual [Introduction, pp. 16-19].  
Postpone to a certain time 21, 57a
indefinitely 24, 59b
Preamble, considered after the rest of a paper 44
Precedence of motions [see each motion, §§ 10–27], p. 10.  
meaning of [Introduction, p. 18].  
Presiding officer [see Chairman].  
Previous Question 20, 58a
Principal (or main) question 6
Priority of Business, questions relating to, are undebatable 35
Privilege, questions of 12, 62c
Privileged questions 9
Programme of a meeting [same as orders of the day] 13
Putting the question, form of 38, 65
Questions [see Forms, Motions, Privilege and Order].  
Quorum, when there is no rule, consists of a majority 43
committees and boards cannot decide upon 43
in Congress and Parliament [note] 43
Reading of Papers 16, 62
Reception of a report [see Committees].  
Recommit [same as Commit] 22, 56b
Reconsider 27, 60
Record, or minutes 41, 51
Recording officer [see Clerk].  
Refer [same as Commit] 22, 56b
Renewal of a motion 26, 60
Reports of committees [see Committees].  
Rights of assemblies [see Assembly].  
of ecclesiastical tribunals 68
Rise, motion to, in committee, equals adjourn 11, 32
Rules of debate [see Debate] 34, 64
of Order, amendment of 45
of Order, what they should contain 49
Standing, what they should contain 49
suspension of 18, 61c
relating to motions, Table of, p. 8.  
Seconding, motions that do not require 3, 65
Secretary [see Clerk].  
Session 42
Shall the question be considered [or discussed]? 15, 59a
Speaking, rules of [see Debate] 34, 64
Special Order 13, 61b
Standing Rules 49
Stating a question, form of 38, 65
Strike out [see Amendment] 23, 56a
Subsidiary motions or questions 7
Substitute [see Amendment] 23, 56a
Sum, largest, first put 25
Suspension of the Rules 18, 61c
Table of Rules relating to motions, p. 8.  
Take from the table, motion to 19, 57b
Time, longest, first put 25
Treasurer, duties of 52
Trial of Members 69
Two-thirds vote, motions requiring 39
principles regulating [note] 39
Undebatable Questions 35
Unfinished Business, effect of adjournment upon 11
its place in the order of business 44
Vice-Presidents 46d
Vote, various methods of putting the question 38, 65
various methods of voting 38
forms of announcing 38, 54
change of, permitted before result is announced 38
effect of a tie 38
motions requiring more than a majority 39
Withdrawal of a motion 17, 62
Yeas and Nays, voting by 38
Yields, meaning of [Introduction, p. 18].