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Poems, Sacred and Moral/Life

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Life.


A Soldier's course from battles wonTo new-commencing strife;A Pilgrim's restless as the sun:Behold the Christian's life!
Prepared the trumpet's call to greet,Soldier of Jesus! stand.Pilgrim of Christ! with ready feetAwait thy Lord's command.
The hosts of Satan pant for spoil:How can thy warfare close?Lonely thou tread'st a foreign soil:How canst thou hope repose?
Seek, Soldier, Pilgrim, seek thine home,Reveal'd in sacred lore;The land whence Pilgrims never roam,Where Soldiers war no more:
Where Grief shall never wound, nor Death,Beneath the Saviour's reign:Nor Sin with pestilential breathHis holy realm profane:
The land where, Suns and Moons unknown,And Night's alternate sway,Jehovah's ever-burning throneUpholds unbroken day:
The land, for Heaven its bliss unseenBids earthly types suggest;Where healing leaves and fadeless greenFruit-laden groves invest:
Where Founts of Life their treasures yieldIn streams that never cease;Where everlasting mountains shieldVales of eternal peace:
Where they who meet shall never part;Where Grace atchieves its plan:And God, uniting every heart,Dwells face to face with man.