Poems (Acton)/May Flowers

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Oh! sister, twine me young May flowers!
Bright visions to recall,
Of the joyous time when my heart and step
Were lightest 'midst ye all.
Each bud will tell of the starry nights,
Ere the summer breeze had flown,
When the silver light of the moonbeams pale,
Through our woodbined lattice shone.
Mine eye hath lost its brightness now,
My cheek hath lost its bloom,
There's a warning voice within my heart,
That speaketh of the tomb;
And tearful glances meet my own,
Lov'd tones are lost in sighs,
And I read my fate, oh! sister mine!
By gazing in thine eyes.
A little, oh! a little while!
And I must leave ye all,
And the dark leaves swept by the autumn wind,
On my lowly grave will fall;
Yet have I pined the op'ning buds
In their freshness bright to see,
And I've yearned to live till the summer came,
With its sweetest month to me.
Then, sister, twine me May flowers,
Remembrance fond to bring,
Of all I've loved and all I leave
In my early blighted spring:
And when again the breath of May
Steals forth o'er hill and dell,
Weep ye for her who passed away
Ere the summer blossoms fell!
H. A.