Poems (Acton)/The Power of doing Good

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4625070Poems — The Power of doing GoodHarriet Acton and Rose Acton
Why seek we ever happiness
Where least it loves to hide,
Shunning the daisy-spangled plain,
To climb the mountain side?
Why strive to reach the stately bough
That waveth far on high,
And glance not on the velvet moss
That at our feet doth lie?

There is a potent charm can give
The gem we yearn to clasp;
Which brightly shines till nearly won,
Yet fades within our grasp.
Seek then that great yet simple charm,
So rarely understood;
That wakes the soul to feelings warm—
The power of doing good.

And think not that to work its spells
'Tis wealth alone can lend
The thousand means that aid our hearts
The needy to befriend.
No! the kind word, the friendship true,
That change doth never know;
Though the cold breath of Poverty
Upon a friend may blow.

The ready hand stretched forth to raise
The crushed, yet erring one;
The lips that dare to speak of wrong
When worth lies trampled on;
These, tho' but slight their pow'r appears,
Peace to the soul may bring,
And heal a wound when gold could give
No balm to suffering.

And since such humble deeds may call
A blessing on our path,
Why seek we still where happiness
Its dwelling never hath?
Let us not reach the stately bough
That waveth far on high,
But stoop to pluck the velvet moss
That at our feet doth lie.
H. A.