Poems (Allen)/City Smoke
O, from a thousand hearthstones, here and there, Released from all this tumult, noise, and care, The smoke goes wreathing through the sunny air.

Like a freed spirit from a funeral pyre, Pure from the bitter trial of the fire, Free to arise, and triumph, and aspire,
Its way along the gloomy walls it wends, Through troubled clouds of city dust ascends, And melting far in heaven's own glory ends.
O spirit! prisoned, shadowed, sorely tried,—O spirit! thrust the blinding cloud aside,—The heaven of Truth, and Love, and Light is wide!
Up circle! prisons open toward the sky; True spirits all are fire-born;—ashes die; Arise, and rank thee with the hosts on high!
The sun shall give thee banners, and his light Shall be as swiftest spears to slay the night, And put the starless hours of wrong to flight!