HE wind blows freshly out to sea,The white sails flutter unconfined; One word to those I leave behind, And I will go unfalteringly. Good by! Thus cheerful let our parting be!
I go to sunnier lands than this, Where all things fair and radiant seem,—Where I shall walk as in a dream Of nature's rarest perfectness. Good by!There breath is balm, and life is bliss!
Yet shall I almost grieve, that there, In that most rare and glorious dime, I lose our Northern winter-time, Whitening with snow-flakes all the air. Good by!You will behold it, white and fair!
When stern December chills the sea, And, by the mighty winds led forth, The storms come hurrying from the north, I know how you will think of me. Good by! How lost and distant I shall be!
Seen from my dear old window there, How the white gusts will drive and whirl And, crusting all the walls with pearl, The sleet come slanting through the air. Good by! Then I shall be far otherwhere!
But, though I linger long away, I know the few who prize my name Will trust and love me all the same, And hold me as they do to-day. Good by! Say it not mournfully, I pray!
And if, in wrath and treachery, The ocean from its trust departs,Bury me softly in your hearts Forever.—But I shall not die. Good by! Love me, and pray for me. Good by!