Poems (Angier)/A Mother's Prayer

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For works with similar titles, see A Mother's Prayer.
4565380Poems — A Mother's PrayerAnnie Lanman Angier
Maker! Saviour! Father! Friend!
Thine ear to my petition lend,
And let the holy Three in One
Vouchsafe to guide and bless my son.
For him I ask not fame or wealth,
Nor length of days, nor even health;
These are but fleeting boons of earth,
Though valued much, they're little worth
Far higher blessings would I crave
For him—a hope beyond the grave.
That when on life's rough ocean driven
His anchor-hold may ne'er be riven;
That wings of love may shield my child
When storms are raging fierce and wild;
That rays of light may beam on him
When faith is weak and sight grows dim;
That all may wiser, better be.
By his example led to thee;
His time thus spent, fulfilled Life's task,
Then grant him heaven—'tis all I ask.