Poems (Angier)/Everything Speaks to Me
Everything speaks to me, Voices each hourBreathe o'er my spirit A hallowing power;Softly they seem to say— Wilt thou attend?Message I bear for thee, 'Tis from a friend.
Dawn of the morning, Setting sun's ray;Noon, with its busy hum, Evening clouds gray;Twilight's calm hour, That whispers of rest,To the toil-worn and weary A heaven-sent guest.
Last rose of summer, First fall of snow;Wail of the winter-wind, Foretelling woe; Bright hues of autumn, That smile at decay;And, saint-like, seem glad To be passing away.
Teachers so gentle, Lessons so wise;Who can resist them? Who dare despise?E'en sages in wisdom, To Nature's book turn;From insect and lily Bid ignorance learn.
Song of the whip-poor-will; Buzz of the bee;Coo of the ring-dove, Flower on the lea;Bird, breeze, and blossom, Stars gemming night's pall;Everything speaks to me, Voices have all.