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Poems (Angier)/Live by the Day

From Wikisource
4565480Poems — Live by the DayAnnie Lanman Angier
Live by the day, 'tis the happiest way,Nor take anxious thought for the morrow;What though the wind blow? the past doth but showNew strength from each struggle we borrow.          Live by the day.
Live by the day—wherever you stray,This motto engrave on the breast;It whispers of cheer, when trouble is nearThus soothing thy sorrows to rest.          Live by the day.
Live by the day—this counsel obey,And win in the battle of life;Whose watchword is Hope, with the worst ills may cope,And victor prove, too, in the strife.          Live by the day.
Live by the day—no cankering careNeed furrow the brow, or whiten the hair; For just within sight is that dwelling of bliss,Where they think with a smile on the trials of this.          Live by the day.
Live by the day—life is passing away,How quick chase each other December and May;Thus blighting and gloom, yield to beauty and bloom—The glad morn of heaven for the night of the tomb.          Live by the day.