Poems (Argent)/Easter
For works with similar titles, see Easter.
EASTER."I am the Resurrection and the Life."
IN the dawn of Easter morning, When the shadows pass away,Shout the angels downwards leaning, "Jesus Christ has risen to-day!
"He hath snapped death's bonds asunder, He hath vanquished over sin,He hath trampled out earth's darkness And hath let heaven's daylight in!
"Oh! ye mourners sad and lonely, Standing in the cloistered shade,Lift your eyes up to the Saviour, Hear His voice, 'Be not afraid.'
"'Tis the resurrection morning," And the promise standeth fast,In the glorious hereafter, We shall rise with Him at last.
With the angels' song of triumph We will join our hymns and say,"Honour, glory, might and blessing, Jesus Christ is risen to-day!"