Poems (Bacon)/The stranger child
Now the night is dark, Now the house is still; Comes a little stranger child Toiling up the hill.
Listens at the door, Peers within the pane, Reaches for the broken latch Rusted with the rain.
Murmurs in the dark, Sobs beneath his breath, Whispers to the empty rooms, Quiet, now, for death.
Wanders through the lane Where the rosebush grew, Tries to reach the cobwebbed sill Drenched and dark with dew.
Calls—and calls in vain! For the man, alone, Dies before a dying fire, Hears no human tone
Only his soul's voice Calls the dull roll through; Good so often long to wait, Ill so quick to do.
Only his soul's eyes, Shamed and tired of all, Watch the red life ebb and flow, Watch the last sands fall.
And the little child, Clinging to the sill, Weeps and stretches tiny hands, Weak for good or ill.
Slow the dying coal Drops from out the fire; Slowly sinks the house of clay, Empty of desire.
Through the creaking blind Slips the spirit now, Shudders at the stranger child, "Thou? my lost youth, thou?"