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Poems (Baldwyn)/Ode to the Seasons

From Wikisource
4501737Poems — Ode to the SeasonsAugusta Baldwyn

The fresh spring-woods are green, And leaves are softly sighing; And near and far are seen Views of hills, with waves between; Their voices are replying   To the sweet song   Now heard among The lightsome branches flying!
The summer comes so gay, And brilliant fruits are shining; The fields are rich in hay, 'Tis nature's holiday, And flow'rs, their buds entwining,   Shed odours fair   Upon the air, The breeze the sweetest finding!
Now, like a noble queen O'er her past glory sighing, The autumn decks the scene, And changes the soft green   For glorious hues,   Which she doth choose To robe her hour of dying!
Over the mournful plain The stormy winds are blowing; Winter abroad doth reign,—I hear his voice again; Dark clouds above are snowing.   But ah, the frost   In light is lost! Hope lives though life is going!