Poems (Barker)/In Memory of Little Harvey
In Memory of Little Harvey.
Bring lilies of the valley, Bring roses glad and fair,Twine on his waxen bosom, And 'mong his golden hair.No more my baby darling Will nestle to my heart,But ever of my being His love will form a part.
He came like some bright angel, With garments like the snow,And twined about our heart-strings— How could we let him go!And looking down the vista Of all the years and years,Before we greet our darling The path grows dim with tears.
My little blue-eyed baby, My precious angel boy,Thy life breathed of that country Where all is peace and joy.Thy little feet, too tender, Earth's desert paths to tread,But oh, our hearts are breaking! Our little boy is dead.
How strange the house, and lonely, How cold, and dark, and still;"He chasteneth those He loveth," We own the Master's will.And when life's care is over, And all the pain is past,We'll clasp our precious baby, Close to our hearts at last.
For he will come to meet us, With happy hastening feet,His love by angels fostered, In heaven will be complete.Our hearts are upward reaching, Towards that country fair.And heaven to us is dearer, Because our babe is there.