Poems (Barker)/My Husband's Room
My Husband's Room.
Ah! sad are the thoughts that fill my brain,As drearily, drearily falls the rain:And the wind hurries past, with trembling sighs,'Till among the tall cedars, it mournfully dies.All nature seems shrouded in darkness and gloom;As I sit alone in my husband's room.
Twas only a year ago to-night,That life was so beautiful, clear and bright,The birds with my singing seemed to vie;Alas! I dreamed not that joy could die,And I watched the flowers, with their sweet perfume,As they budded and bloomed in my husband's room.
He was my Idol, each day I knelt,But never could utter the thanks I felt;The Father knew, and he saw my heart,And severed the chain of our lives apart;My darling was laid in the silent tomb,And I mourn alone in his sacred room.
When the dark shadows close over my life,And nothing I see but its strange bitter strife,I come to this place, and the tears quickly start;'Twas here that he gathered me close to his heart,And whispered, "Sweet bride when I'm laid in the tomb,Will you come, sometime, to your husband's room?"
And when in the shadows I sit alone,And the hours of waiting have weary grown,When I see all my life with its ways of sin,A ripple of music comes floating in,And everything weareth a look of bloom,As I sit alone in my husband's room.
Yes, when I sit in the shadowy night,"Our Father" sendeth a ray light,And whispers "Poor wand'rer look upward for peace,Soon, soon I will give to your spirit release;In my beautiful mansions, sweet flowers bloom,And there you will find your husband's room."
Patiently now I am learning to wait,My Savior will open the bright "pearly gate,"And there, in that beautiful land I will seeThe one who has waited in love for me;And where the bright flowers eternally bloom,I shall find him there in his beautiful room.