Poems (Barker)/Nobody Kissed Me Good Night
Nobody Kissed Me Good Night.
Kneeling alone in the stillness,Down by the white covered bed,Softly the teardrops were falling,Bowed was my young tired head.Stealing so soft through the chamberThe moon with its mystical light,The words kept so silently coming—Nobody kissed me good night,
Home with its gentle caresses,Loved ones with faces so true,Oh! I can see them so plainly;Dear ones, I am praying for you.Here the soft good night so loving,And the bright smile to my sight,Would be a blessing. Ah, sadlyI wait for the loving good night.
Love, what a charm you have givenTo this strange pathway of ours,You have adorned it so brightly,With your most beautiful flowers.And, in the silence, while kneelingHere, in this soft, changing light,How can I help but remember,Nobody kissed me good night?
But there's a thought that will cheer me,And I am glad when I say,Some one will miss me a little,Some one will earnestly pray.Maybe that some one is thinkingOf me 'neath this soft, fading light,And wonders, so silently dreaming,If somebody kissed me good night.
And in the dear little circle,Gathered so happily there,They will be thinking and wondering,0! It looks peaceful and fair—And when they kiss all the others,They'll wait e'er they put out the light,And softly will say to each other,"I wonder who kissed her good night."
Well, well, heart of mine, are you foolish.To linger so long o'er a kiss?You have grown so used to its sweetness,No wonder its sunshine you miss.O! how many are wretchedly starvingFor the love of a heart true and bright!I'll not mourn, for I know there are dear onesWho would eagerly kiss me good night.