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Poems (Barker)/Our Angel Dora

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4656096Poems — Our Angel DoraAlice J. Green Barker
Our Angel Dora.
Dora's sleeping in the valley,Where the shadows softly creep,And the gently drooping willowsBending o'er her sadly weep.There the wildest winds seem sighingFor our gentle little flower,When her hopes on earth seemed brightest,Taken from us in an hour.
Gentle Dora, angel Dora,Dwelling up in Heaven now;Fairest of that happy number,Golden stars upon her brow.When "He maketh up His jewels"Surely Dora's Angel face'Mong that pure and sinless numberWill be given the fairest place.
Though the casket slowly mouldersIn the valley's quiet shade,Dora's pure, untarnished spiritNever in the dust was laid.We are happy now in thinkingThat our darling's angel faceIn the summer land, called Heaven,Now has won a sinless place.
We are sad, how sad without herPassing through each silent room,Seeming in those few short hoursRobbed of all their joy and bloom.In the garden, 'mong the flowersHow we miss her lovely face,And our hearts grow sick and lonelyAs we see each sunny place,
Where our Dora's gentle presence.Once had made it doubly fair:But she roams among the flowers,In a garden over there,Dora sleeps within the valley,When the children come this wayWith their tender buds and blossoms,They will always cease their play.
Bending gently where she's sleeping,Tender, loving words are said;And we know our darling's blessingFalls upon each little head.Gentle Dora, angel Dora,All too fair for earth's dark night,Lovingly "Our Father" called herFrom the darkness into light.