Poems (Barker)/Press Straight Ahead
Press Straight Ahead.
I used to think in the olden days That the way of the Lord was dim,That a terrible barrier lay between My yearning heart and Him;But now the way is plain to see,An angel has opened it up to me.
I used to think as my baby lay Close folded to my heart,That my life would go out in anguish wild If we were torn apart;But the Lord knew best; He called her home,That my erring feet might cease to roam.
And now the way that once was dark Oft' shines with a happy light,And I know that the glory my sad eyes see, Is the mark of her foot-prints brightAs her little feet press on before,To open for me the golden door.
But once in the tempest of pain and care, I lost my guiding star.And my heart sunk down with a leaden weight To be left behind so far:When the darkness was darkest, a sweet voice said,"I am waiting, mamma, press straight ahead."
Do you think I ever can lose my way, With those little feet to guide?With that little heart so pure and true. Close up to her Saviour's side?When the pathway is brightest. I close my eyes,And dream of our meeting in Paradise.
It may be long ere my weary feet Shall enter the blessed gate.But I know the way, and I'll hasten on. Lest perchance, I may be late,Remembering ever that sweet voice said,"I'm waiting, mamma, press straight ahead."