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Poems (Barker)/The Noble Calling

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4656120Poems — The Noble CallingAlice J. Green Barker
The Noble Calling.
Onward, brother, nobly onward!Swell the ranks of truth and right,Let your light be grand and glorious;For the cause of justice fight.Shrink not from the field of laborFarthest from the path of fame;Look not forward to the hourWhen a nation speaks your name.
For if wealth and fame should meet youHalf way up the rugged steep,At the close of life, my brother,Would you not have cause to weepThat your only aim had everBeen to reach the sparkling gem,Which a nation proudly gave youTo adorn your diadem?
E'er pursue in life the pathwayThat will aid your fellow man;Be a lamp to guide them homeward;Strive to help them all you can.Angel hands will point the gloryThat awaits you over there;Death will ne'er corrupt such jewels,They are ever bright and fair.
Gently raise a fallen brother,—Jesus' lost and weary sheep;And, remembering His example,Lead them up the rugged steep.Just across the mystic river,In that pure and sinless land,Angel forms will gladly watch you,And will lend a gentle hand,
To direct your footsteps everHigher up the mountain side,Nearer to the happy mansionsJust across the flowing tide.When the toilsome march is endedAnd the pain of life has fled,Oh! what joy to see some wandererThat your words have homeward led;
Or to hear the gentle blessingOf the trusting little childThat your hands had gently guidedTo the savior undefiled.Onward, brother, nobly onward!Swell the ranks of truth and right,Let your light be grand and glorious;In the noblest calling fight.