Poems (Barker)/To Grandma on her 71st Birthday
On Her 71st Birthday.
Bless you! bless you! Grandma dear—Can it be, another year,O'er that gentle silvered head,Has so quickly, kindly sped,Leaving us your loving face,And your tender, sweet embrace?
Precious Grandma—truest friend;Heaven all her blessings send,All the earth with verdure bright,Grow more beauteous for your sight;May our hearts their faith still proveBy our offices of love.
Dearest Grandma, in your face,Read we all your truth and grace;See a heart so true and kind,And a spirit pure, refined;And a life whose setting sunWill receive the glad "well done."
Patient ever, while your faithLooks beyond the vale of death;Sees no sorrow, feels no fear,Know that angels hover near—Almost touch the fluttering wing,Almost hear the songs they sing.
Grateful are our hearts to-day,As the moments glide away,That the swiftly fleeting year,Darling Grandma leaves you here;May the next as kindly shedSunshine 'round your silvered head.