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Poems (Barker)/To Grandma on her First Birthday in Heaven

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by Alice J. Green Barker
To Grandma on her First Birthday in Heaven
4656025Poems — To Grandma on her First Birthday in HeavenAlice J. Green Barker
On Her 1st Birthday in Heaven.
Ring out in glad rapture,Sweet chorus of praise,Ring out for the gloryThat fills all her days.Ring out for the restThat has come after pain;While those who have loved herJoin in the retrain.
Ring out tor the freedomFrom sorrow and care;Ring out tor the brightness,That reigns everywhere.O, lift up the curtainThat hides from our view,The rest and the peaceTo her spirit so new.
Let us feast on the joyIn the sweet patient eyes,That have gazed on her SaviourIn rapt'rous surprise.Let us look at those armsThat have clasped to her breast,The darlings, that earlyHave flown from our nest.
Ring out in glad chorus,Our eyes cannot see,For weak is our vision,God meant it to be.But into our soulHe has opened a door,For sweet floods of sound.From the Heavenly shore.
And on this, the dayWhich so dearly we prize,Though weak is our vision.Sin blinded our eyes,Our souls lifted upOn the wings of their love,Joins the songOf the Heavenly singers above.
Ring out, oh sweet chorus,The long night is past,The fair, purple morningDawns brightly at last."The stars sing together,"For her, whom we loveIs safe in the CourtsOf the blessed, above.