Poems (Bass)/The Glorious Fourth
On echo's pinions words inspired went ringing through the land,To bid the colonies as one for Independence stand,And Adams, Franklin, Livingston, were typical of menWho watched the march prophetic of the Jeffersonian pen,Which wrote: "We are and ought to be" and lo! they seemed to seeA wreath of golden glory frame the magic emblem "free!"Oh, deep the joy that stirred the brave as Philadelphia's bellGave forth the grateful tidings in a fervent "all is well!"
And sternest voices quivered while the laughter born of tearsDisclosed a richer cadence in the quick, triumphant cheers;Though gazing down the vale of time, how could they then behold The beauty of a government of so divine a mould?While booming cannon shook the shore for many a dreary day,Columbia stood majestic 'mid the ardor of the fray;And in the act which swept aside the royalty of birthBeheld a matchless kingdom, and the emperor was Worth.
No more could Monarchy pretend to plant an iron heelUpon a weary people or the last forlorn appeal; And when Britannia rashly strove to break the spell defeat,She only made the footing of the Union more complete.For, by Mount Vernon's sacred shade, on Erie's broad expanse.The foe again was banished by the steady cry: "Advance!"And laurel wreathed must Perry's name indellibly be tracedUpon the roll of honor which can never be effaced.
The "Glorious Fourth" of Sixty-three saw Vicksburg doomed to fall,As gallant sons of Freedom pressed rebellion to the wall; And while progression's brilliant light illumes the tender skyThe heroes of the present must the present need supply.What happiness to meditate on how the nation grewTill swift electric chargers dare the steeds of steam pursue;How good it is to feel, to know, the truth of this decreeThat "God made all men equal" and beyond denial "Free."