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Poems (Bell)/A Dream

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For works with similar titles, see A Dream.
4644428Poems — A DreamClara L. Bell
I dreamed of a beautiful mansion,Halls pavéd with marble so cold!Rare statues and tapestries, picturesAnd books bound in vellum and gold!
Outside, there were beautiful gardensFilled with plants so lovely and rare,Their exotic perfume all fillingWith fragrance, the rooms and the air.
On a couch in a corner reclining(In a room, the hangings light blue),As I gazed I saw there, my lover,My darling so fond and so true!
But so different—the look on his face!And he looked so white and so coldThat a feeling of horror stole o'er me,And of sorrow and doubt all untold.
I awoke! but the memory lingersOf the clasp of a cold, white hand,The beauty and perfume of flowers,And a doubt I cannot understand.
And I fear that some ill has befallenHim in that far-away land,And that that is the cause of my fearsAnd of the doubt, I cannot understand.